There’s an update to OMW’s earlier report…of the impending move of Canton market CHR WZKL/92.5 Alliance (“Q92”) night jock Pat DeLuca to the station’s now vacant morning drive slot.
Q92 program director/afternoon driver John Stewart has officially posted DeLuca’s soon-to-be-old job as an opening at the station…in an ad which confirms our report of DeLuca’s move to AM drive:
Can you stir the pot? Is your show full of personality? Do you make noise in your market? Get me your stuff A.S.A.P. Our #1 night jock transitions to morning drive at the end of the month. Don’t send me liner card stuff cause I do enough of that from 3-7pm.
Send it to:
John Stewart
393 Smyth Ave NE
Alliance OH 44601
Please no voice trackers or networks. Phone calls welcome.
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