A few short items on our plate this Tuesday evening:
* WKYC/3 VP/News Richard Moore is heading south, to take a broadcast journalism teaching position at the University of South Carolina. The move described in a brief item in today’s Plain Dealer is something Moore says he’s “always intended” to do. Moore’s been with the Gannett-owned NBC affiliate for three years. For his part, WKYC GM Brooke Spectorsky calls Moore “a great leader”.
* Satellite radio provider XM Satellite Radio has apparently figured there’s enough traffic in Cleveland. But despite an announcement that XM is expanding its premium “NavTraffic” display system to include Cleveland, Cincinnati and seven other cities, we can’t find any indication if that’ll eventually translate to local reports on the on-air XM Radio “Instant Traffic and Weather” service. NavTraffic supplies data to GPS-based navigation systems, and hops aboard XM’s national satellite footprint. The over-air reports are, if we remember right, provided by the Traffic.com folks.
* And former Clear Channel/Sandusky promotions director Dan Baisden – an OMW reader – picks up production and programming assistant, and swing on-air duties at BAS Broadcasting’s Mount Vernon combo, WQIO/93.7 “Eagle 93.7” and WMVO/1300. But Dan? We’re not sure a move from Sandusky to Mount Vernon is exactly “crosstown”…unless that word that involves a good chunk of Ohio… (We’re teasing!) Dan tells us he’ll also help out with BAS’ Fremont-based operations…where the company has another AC “Eagle”, WFRO/99.1…
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