
Cavaliers in HD Tonight – ALMOST Everywhere

The NBA Cleveland Cavaliers and FOX Sports Net Ohio opened up their 9 game schedule of high-definition broadcasts tonight, as LeBron James and the Cavs easily beat the San Antonio Spurs.

The feed was “easily” available on all major local cable systems except one, Adelphia. OMW reported exclusively earlier today that the Cavaliers were working with Adelphia to air the game on cable channel 798 (for HD viewers) tonight. It appears, at least at OMW World Headquarters here in Northwest Akron, that cable boxes may need more time to “find” that currently unavailable channel.

However, we have the luxury of owning a tuner that picks up “QAM” cable signals. That’s the underlying method cable companies use to send out digital cable signals to their boxes. A number of newer HDTV tuners have QAM capability, as do some newer computer tuning cards. They can pick out “in the clear” signals. That’s what we used to produce the above screen shot. (Click on it to make it a little larger.)

We expect that the “channel 798 problem” will be resolved before the next HD Cavaliers contest, Wednesday, February 22nd at the Philadelphia 76ers…

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