
Don’t Feel Bad, Chuck

We can’t find any radio/TV column in this morning’s Plain Dealer – at least in the online version. TV/radio columnist Julie Washington and sports media columnist Roger Brown were off writing about other things.

But occasionally, columnist Chuck Yarborough makes brief mentions of items concerning local radio and TV.

In today’s Yarborough missive, he lists his prediction of the early demise of CBS Radio syndicated morning host David Lee Roth as a “wrong”, saying the host – heard locally on WNCX/98.5 – is, as far as he knows, “still talking”…and wasn’t dumped on St. Patrick’s Day after all.

Don’t feel bad, Chuck…you were far from alone in seeing the early end of the DLR morning drive mess.

His column gives OMW a chance to update the End of DLR Rumor Mill. We noted a rumor from New York Radio Message Board proprietor Allan Sniffen, saying former Infinity/CBS shock jock team Opie & Anthony (heard locally on then-WXTM/92.3 back in their over-air days) would bring an over-air version of their XM Satellite Radio show to Roth’s current affiliates.

As it turns out, the pair now says that a deal was close, but got bogged down before it could be completed.

Other rumors are out there, including speculation by DCRTV’s Dave Hughes that the Washington, DC-based “Junkies”, who took over the Howard Stern slot in DC and Baltimore, would be in line to replace Roth.

As of now, none of it’s bearing any fruit. Roth continues his “wisdom” (those TV spots again) on WNCX, flagship WFNY/New York and the other stations he took over from Stern. O&A are still satellite-only, and “The Junkies” still hold forth only in Washington and Baltimore. But… we still wouldn’t be surprised to see CBS Radio make SOME move down the road…

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