
First Situation Wanted Ad

As promised, OMW will run free “Situation Wanted” ads for out-of-work broadcast pros. Or, for that matter, those looking to move to a different job. E-Mail OMW at the address on our profile. Confidentiality, as always, is assured. We’ll even help write the ad for you, like we did below…


SITUATION WANTED: A 15-year-plus broadcast professional is looking for part-time, fill-in or even full-time work in Northeast Ohio radio, or full-time work anywhere in America. Our first job seeker is a veteran of mainly news/talk formats. Experienced in news anchoring, reporting and hosting. A hard worker, dedicated and with many skills outside the newsroom or talk studio, including extensive experience in operations assistance, computer automation systems and Windows PCs. Our ad placer can do not just news and talk, but would be interested in working in any adult-targeted music format as well, and would also be interested in off-air operations support work. Reply to OMW Blind Box #1, via our E-Mail address under the “View my complete profile” link.

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