
WQMX Morning Changes

We’d heard that Rubber City Radio Akron country powerhouse WQMX/94.9 was looking for a new co-host for morning host Scott Wynn. Then we saw the ad posted Tuesday on AllAccess – quoted below in part:


WQMX Morning Show Co-Host/News Anchor
This person will be part of the music, information and fun in the morning on Akron’s top-rated WQMX Country Club Morning Show. Must have top-of-mind awareness, ability to present news and information in a pleasant and professional manner and a passion for entertaining daily radio programming.


Though we don’t know if it’s permanent or not, OMW hears that traffic/news reporter Marcy Pappafava has moved into the co-host’s chair.

Indeed, even the WQMX web site now lists her with that title. Those who don’t listen to much country music are more likely to know Marcy from her Akron traffic reports on WEWS/5’s “Good Morning Cleveland”.

In the unlikely event that ‘QMX is still looking for someone else for the job, the ad calls for T&Rs to WQMX PD Kevin Mason…at the usual address at the Akron Radio Center, 1795 W. Market St., Akron, OH 44313…

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