
Les Levine’s New FSN Ohio Role

It’s funny how questions can get answered not long after you think about them.

We were watching FSN Ohio/WKNR’s “Cleveland Rants” the other night, and wondered what’ll happen to show co-host Les Levine on the cable network after the show ends – presumably at the end of the Cleveland Indians season in just over a month.

It didn’t take long for our answer to appear – during the final edition of FSN Ohio’s Browns Training Camp show on Thursday.

Show co-host Michael Reghi informed viewers that he’d be hosting the new “Browns Table” weekly show on FSN Ohio, starting Wednesday, September 13th at 7 PM along with Levine – and Browns players Dennis Northcutt and Andra Davis.

The timing will be interesting – with Levine’s existing now-Time Warner Cable show “More Sports and Les Levine” airing from 6-7 PM on cable channel 15.

Unless he’s moving it to FSN Ohio’s studios, or unless he’s got the Space Shuttle handy, Les would likely have to tap a substitute host on TWC on Wednesdays. He’s already done so when “Rants” prevents him from being at the former Adelphia Cable studios in that 6-7 PM time slot…

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