
Here Comes Columbus’ Newest Radio Station

While we were looking for Other Things in FCC data, we stumbled upon the now-approved construction permit for WHIZ-FM/102.5 Zanesville to move to Baltimore.

Baltimore as in the small town in Central Ohio, that is, not the more famous one in Maryland.

The FCC gave its blessing to the facilities on October 2nd. The move drags the Zanesville FM clear into the Columbus market, with a proposed transmitter site in northwest Fairfield County, just west of that new COL.

It looks like the 11KW newly-rechristened class B1 station will be one of the better rimshots into Columbus. It isn’t quite the full class B move-in that became WLZT/93.3 Ashville, but it looks to have a better signal than a lot of the other suburban-COL’ed rimshots in the Columbus market.

Since WHIZ-FM is now owned by Southeastern Ohio Broadcasting System, the hometown operation which also runs sister WHIZ/1240 and NBC affiliate WHIZ-TV/18, it appears somewhat likely that they’ll sell the newly moved FM to a company looking for a new Columbus FM signal…

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