
A Teaser

Since it’s been a day or so since we updated, we’ll just let you know that we’re still around.

And coming in the next couple of days or so:

* Photographic evidence of a certain heavily-watched future Northeast Ohio transmitter site, which is a much drier place than when we last dropped in. Publication of the photos here will result in a certain person quickly closing his eyes, so he can honestly say he doesn’t know the status of the project if asked by a newspaper reporter.

* A local radio anniversary.

* Our final “Ho Ho Ho Report” on local stations switching to holiday music, and our opinion as to why it may not happen as early for many stations next year.

* More on Time Warner Cable’s post-Adelphia merger situation, and some unanswered questions finally answered.

* Other odds and ends we may have missed in the Thanksgiving Day holiday period, and a comment or two…and just maybe, The State of OMW.

Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend…

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