
Master Of Our Own Domain

Effective immediately, we now have ownership and control over the domain

As it has in the past, the domain still points to the original OMW URL –

We’re not sure what will happen in the future, but for now, you can use the address in case there are problems with Blogger. We’ll put up status notifications and be able to publish news items in the case of Blogger outages.

There are other changes in the works, soon, as we’ve been hinting. For one, we’ve managed to move the Mighty Blog of Fun(tm) over to the “new” side of Blogger, which should expand our options.

For one, we can now “tag” or label posts so we can group them by topic. You’ll see that at the bottom of this post, which we’ve labeled “housekeeping”.

We’d like to thank Charlie Profit of, who originally registered the OhioMediaWatch domain for us and has hosted the redirection to the main OMW address. We appreciate his help!

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