
Thursday Check-In

We’re still more in a “Days Of The Week” mood…

DAVE AND JIMMY EXPANSION: On the heels of being added for mornings at Clear Channel top 40 WAKZ/95.9 “Kiss FM” in the Youngstown market, top 40 WNCI/97.9 Columbus’ morning drive team, “Dave and Jimmy”, continue their syndication expansion in Ohio.

This time, it’s Clear Channel Dayton top 40 WDKF/94.5 “Channel 94-5” picking up the show, with Dave Kaelin and Jimmy Jam apparently replacing a show called the “Morning Mess”.

(And no, we have no idea if that show had any connection with WHKF/Harrisburg PA’s “Morning Mess” – the latter show having moved to KDND in Sacramento – which is now programmed by former WAKS/96.5 “Kiss FM” programmer Dan Mason.)

The AllAccess item on the move quotes WNCI PD Michael McCoy, saying “there’s more to come!”.

We had been hearing rumors that the Columbus-based show would land “one or two” new affiliates in the coming days. We wonder: Who’s number two, if there is a second new “Dave and Jimmy” station? We’ll be watching…

RATINGS: Regular readers know that we generally don’t go into details when the ratings numbers come out.

There are many reasons for that, not the least of which is that we do not have full access to the ratings, and are not experts at reading all the nuances of the numbers.

The other reason is that only 12-plus audience ratings are released to the public – the so-called “Beauty Pageant”. This site has no license to run even those ratings.

But…what do they mean?

Hardly anything, in these days of sliced and diced demographically-perfect numbers.

With that in mind, we simply note that the Winter ’05 Cleveland ratings are out, and from what we’ve read elsewhere, we believe we can rank the top 10 stations in that report – again, 12-plus only.

1. WTAM/1100
2. WMJI/105.7
3. WZAK/93.1
4. WDOK/102.1
5. WGAR/99.5
6. WNWV/107.3
7. WENZ/107.9
8. WAKS/96.5
9. WNCX/98.5
10. (tie) WQAL/104.1, WMVX/106.5

The fully-released 12-plus numbers are available from the usual trade websites.

You’re more than welcome to comment, but please, do not post actual numbers as a comment to this item. They’ll be quickly deleted – unless you’re willing to pay for a lawyer when we get an order to take down the numbers from the ratings companies. (And if we hear from them about the general rankings posted above, we’ll have to pull this part of the post.)

You can, though, make general comments about a station’s rise, decline, steadiness, changes impacting the numbers, etc…with the reminder that the rankings above are 12-plus.

General comments, please…no specifics either within the 12-plus numbers or other ratings unpublished…

AND A NOTE: In the OMW “We’re Just Sayin'” Department…

Not many details yet, but what if your parent company put out an advertisement looking for an operations manager, in one particular format, with a description of the station in need of a new programming boss exactly matching one station?

In fact, what if that description ONLY matched one station, among the company’s holdings?


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