
Final Update This Week

Barring any major Northeast Ohio media news, this will be our last update until (approximately) Monday morning. But…

We just had to update one earlier item, which we believe was an exclusive – thanks to’s Lance Venta.

As expected, Clear Channel advice talker WSAI/1360 “” Cincinnati won’t be providing advice to Southwest Ohio listeners starting Monday.

Clear Channel Cincinnati has confirmed to AllAccess that it launches “Cincinnati’s ESPN 1360” that same day. It’ll become an all-ESPN Radio network flanker to mainly local WCKY/1530 “Homer”, and for that matter, to the sports-related programming on talk sister WLW/700 “The Big One”.

The station already has a splash screen up promoting the launch.

We believe Cincinnati Enquirer radio/TV guru John Kiesewetter may have gotten wind of our item on Friday morning, and posted this item before CC made its announcement.

Since it is “Kiese” we’re talking about here, he went into quick action and confirmed the news from the other end – Hamilton OH-based WMOH/1450, which was given a two-month notice by ESPN – a week ago – that the network was dropping it.

Unlike then-Salem sports talk WKNR/850 Cleveland, which hung in with ESPN until the end of its two month notice last year, only to later regain it under its current ownership, WMOH seems to have moved on. It will mount a new local morning show – along with keeping its local sports programming, and looking for syndicated programming to replace ESPN.

Kiese speculates that Clear Channel grabbed ESPN Radio as a pre-emptive strike – trying to stop Cumulus talk WFTK/96.5 “SuperTalk FM” from adding it.

He also expects former “Homer” morning drivers (and WLW weekend hosts) “The Two Angry Guys” to eventually show up on the FM talker – joining former WLW “SportsTalk” host Andy Furman, who’s in afternoon drive at WFTK…

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