
No, We Don’t Know About WMMS

UPDATE 9/5/07 3:37 PM: It would appear from what we’ve heard and seen, WMMS has excised nearly all mentions of those legendary call letters.

And that means from both the airwaves and from the station’s website, which carries this new “100.7”-only logo.

Does this mean anything, or is ‘MMS…er…100.7…hoping to get a little attention in a stunting fashion? We’ll see.

The station also appears to be having some fun with its website playlist.

Original item below…


No, we don’t have any information on rumblings of changes at Clear Channel rocker WMMS/100.7 in Cleveland, as hinted in today’s AllAccess Net News scroll.

The item points to some imaging adjustments, and seems to indicate a “gold”-leaning playlist today.

Here at the OMW World Headquarters, we haven’t heard of any major adjustments to the once-iconic rock outlet.

But local programmers certainly remember the last time someone tried to “adjust” the station known universally as “The Buzzard”…

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