
More Barking From Rover

Now-former CBS Radio alt-rock WKRK/92.3 “K-Rock” morning host Shane “Rover” French is saying a LITTLE more about his situation with the station’s owner, CBS Radio, on his website.

But…not much more.

In a blog post titled “Uncharacteristically Quiet”, the host known to his family as Shane French says he can’t talk about the ongoing situation between the show and CBS Radio for one big reason.

At this time the show is still under contract to CBS. They’ve told us we can’t talk about it, nor can we discuss what the future holds, or we’ll be in breach of contract.

They’re also holding the website hostage, saying we can’t post anything here in regards to what’s going on (who knows, they may even demand this post be removed).

Hang in there. You’ll be hearing a lot more of us very soon.

OMW has heard and reported strong rumblings that Rover has already inked a deal with a competitor, thought by many to be crosstown Clear Channel rock WMMS/100.7.

But we repeat that we have NOT heard any confirmation that the rumored deal is with Clear Channel and WMMS. None. Or for that matter, any decent rumors that either Mr. French or his agent have been spotted there (something an anonymous commenter has said in the comments following up Rover’s latest missive).

Stay tuned…

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