
OMW’s First Digital TV Q&A

We went back to read our item about the early analog switchoff of Youngstown market PBS affiliate WNEO/45 Alliance, and…well, we figured some of our readers may have some questions about the digital TV transition.

Late on the night of February 17, 2009, just before the clock strikes midnight into the 18th, TV transmitter facilities around America will be very busy places…as every full-power TV station in the nation shuts off its analog transmitter for good. (For the record, as far as we know, the actual time deadline to do so is 11:59:59 PM, station local time, on February 17th.)

OMW would like to take the next few days to invite you to submit any questions about the television digital transition, both in general, and specifically addressed to questions about Ohio’s TV stations.

Send them directly to our E-Mail address, which is linked on the left hand side of this blog.

We can pretty much answer most of the Northeast Ohio questions, but may have to seek out help for the answers elsewhere in the state.

We’ll reproduce all the questions here on the Mighty Blog(tm), in a future item. We won’t print your name or city, unless you have some reason you’d like us to do so. (We’re accomodating, that way.)

Have a great weekend!

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