
An Old Voice Teases

Offered without much further explanation, for now.

A number of OMW readers tell us that Clear Channel talk WTAM/1100 Cleveland has been airing liners many times over the weekend, much to this effect:

“Hey, Cleveland….I’m baaack!”

We’re told the voice heard was none other than the voice of former WTAM syndicated mainstay Glenn Beck, the Premiere host who was unceremoniously knocked off Cleveland’s “Big One” to make way for syndicated liberal host, trash TV talkmeister and former Cincinnati mayor Jerry Springer.

Not only was Springer not a very good radio host, he had immense trouble hanging onto an audience. We heard that “Jerry, Jerry, Jerry”‘s ratings after taking over the 9-11:30 AM slot on WTAM were nothing short of disastrous.

And that wording may be too kind. It may not be overstating it to say that Springer’s show basically torched Beck’s listener base on 1100 in Cleveland.

Springer, of course, was later dispatched by WTAM in factor of a new local mid-morning issues show with former WTAM sports host Bob Frantz. Beck’s show found alternate affiliates in the region in Lorain-Elyria Broadcasting talk WEOL/930 Elyria, and Clear Channel sister talk station WHLO/640 Akron.

Based on these “teaser” liners with Beck being heard on WTAM this past weekend, and our reporting related to the station the past few days, a lot of our readers are adding two plus two, and some of them may even be coming close to four.

But this is all we have to say, for now.

Oh, aside from the fact that we hear that the aforementioned WEOL has already announced in-house that on the first week of November, the Elyria station will move TRN’s Laura Ingraham from 6-8 PM, into the 9-11:45 AM time slot now occupied by Glenn Beck on 930.

Things that make you go “hmmm”…

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