
Job Wanted – OMW 2

Another local radio professional has taken advantage of our offer to put up a free “job wanted” ad.

He’s a familiar name to Cleveland market FM listeners – former WNWV/107.3 “The Wave” afternoon drive host Richard Greer, who lost his long-time gig at the Elyria-Lorain Broadcasting-owned smooth jazz station in a recent station schedule shuffle.

Richard tells OMW that he’s “pretty well looking anywhere in the Tri-State area, but would love to stay in Ohio.” He tells us:

I have a resume/aircheck online at, and can be reached at [email protected], or (440) 777-6945.

A reminder: Our offer applies to not just radio people and not just those on the air. A lot of TV folks in Northeast Ohio have been shown the door recently, and we’re happy to be of service to anyone who doesn’t have work in media…

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