
Toledo Cumulus Update

Put an asterisk by the list of names in our earlier item about layoffs at Cumulus Toledo.

OMW hears that WRQN afternoon drive host Ron Sobzak has apparently been spared from the cuts, and an OMW reader in the market tells us that he is indeed on the air as usual this afternoon.

We are also hearing conflicting information about WXKR/WLQR/WTOD sales manager Hugh McPherson’s departure… and that his apparent exit to another market may have been in the works before this latest round of Cumulus Toledo cuts…

UPDATE 8:31 PM 2/9/09: OMW hears that McPherson is heading for a general sales manager post at another Cumulus cluster in the Southeastern U.S., a job move made before the company’s Toledo cuts were announced…his last day is said to be this Friday, February 13th…

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