
THIS JUST IN: News Sharing Virus Hits Columbus

First Cleveland, now Columbus.

The TVNewsday and TVB/Television Broadcast trade websites report that Columbus is now the second Ohio TV market where two different newsrooms will “pool” news footage of events such as press conferences or other planned events.

The players in Central Ohio dipping into the News Sharing Pool? Media General NBC affiliate WCMH/4, and Sinclair ABC affiliate WSYX/6-Fox affiliate WTTE/28.

Quoting TVNewsday’s report:

The stations’ assignment desks have built a back channel to communicate with each other and a workflow to schedule shoots.

According to WCMH, “content sharing between stations has been done for years through pool type situations and now the NBC, ABC and Fox affiliates in Columbus will work together to share resources. Instead of sending two crews to shoot the same press conferences, for example, the stations will send one crew allowing more efficient use of other station crews.”

The first such news sharing agreement in Ohio, of course, is the one recently announced in Cleveland…where crews will be shared between Gannett NBC affiliate WKYC/3 and Raycom CBS affiliate WOIO/19-MyNetwork affiliate WUAB/43…

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