

(This is a repost from our Ohio Digital TV blog, in full.)

At this writing, the new WKYC-DT facility on RF channel 17 is lit up now, and is putting a strong signal into the digital tuners at the OMW World Headquarters, located next to Bruce Wayne’s mansion somewhere in western or northern Summit County. (We get out of here via a bat cave, too, you know.)

We’d checked as recently as late morning, when a reader told us he’d been receiving the new WKYC-DT. We looked, didn’t see a signal on RF 17, and did a rescan just to be sure…but now, it’s up and running.

Just judging by the rudimentary signal level meters on our digital tuners and boxes, WKYC-DT is a “notch” stronger than the other occupant of that new tower we made famous on Broadview Road in Parma, WVIZ-DT/25 (RF 26). It’s not that WVIZ-DT has any trouble locking in here, but WKYC-DT is a bit stronger (and given the power levels for each post-transition signal, that’s not at all surprising).

A caution here: This could well be a day for testing for WKYC-DT at RF channel 17. We would not at all be surprised to see the signal go away, come back, go away, etc., through early Friday morning, as tuning and adjustment is being done.

But if you have a digital tuner or converter box, check out the signal now, scan it in, and you’ll be more than ready for whatever happens in the next 24 hours.

By the way, our signal meter on our Zenith converter box is still picking up a weak signal out of the pre-transition RF 2 signal for WKYC-DT, though we imagine that it’s not carrying the PSIP information that’d make it appear on converter boxes at this point…

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