
Shakeups And Awards

IMPORTANT UPDATE: – 7/22/09 7:35 AM: OMW has received some new information calling the accuracy of the first part of this report into question. We have removed that portion of the report, which cited financial-related rumblings linked to the CBS Radio cluster and its employees in Cleveland.

In addition, though it appears the rest of the item is accurate, it may have taken place a little less recently than believed…a few weeks ago, as opposed to in the past few days.

At OMW, we’re the first to jump out there and let you know when we “get it wrong”, even when going with information provided by usually reliable sources.

We apologize for the inaccuracy. We try very hard to hold to reporting standards, even though we technically are not a “news organization”…we’re a blog with a mix of “news and musings”.

Though we don’t like having virtual egg on our virtual face any more than most people do, we believe correcting inaccurate information is important.

The rest of our item, including edits to correct that inaccurate information, is below…

–The Management


CBS RADIO SHAKEUP: OMW hears that there’s a recent management restructuring at CBS Radio Cleveland, with the dual general manager structure no longer in effect.

We’re told that WNCX/08.5-WKRK/92.3 general manager Tom Herschel has given up those duties to the other GM in the building, WDOK/102.1-WQAL/104.1 general manager Chris Maduri…who will now head up all four stations.

Herschel has not left the building, from what we hear…he moves into a new position as sales manager for the four properties….

TWC QUESTIONS: An OMW reader checks in to ask about the status of Time Warner Cable’s HDTV situation in the Mentor/Willoughby area.

The area is part of the former Comcast system, which reached Lake County and nearby, along with the Elyria area. It has lagged in additions of new HD channels compared to, well, the rest of us in the Time Warner Cable Northeast Ohio empire.

One big reason, we’ve presumed, is the lack of Switched Digital Video in that part of the now-multi-headed hydra run by the cable TV giant.

Well, we wish we had any updates…but, we don’t at this time.

We’ve checked with our contacts at TWC, and we’ve been told there is not currently any update for the poor folks in the ex-Comcast areas, who now have something like a dozen less HD channels than their TWC brethren in both the “legacy” Time Warner areas like Akron, Canton and Youngstown, and in the former Adelphia/Cleveland-based system….which serves the OMW World Headquarters.

We’re promised that when there IS something to tell the ex-Comcasters, we’ll be able to pass that word along to you, our readers…

MARCONI AWARDS: Yes, we’ve heard…Clear Channel Cleveland talk WTAM/1100 afternoon driver Mike Trivisonno has indeed been nominated in the NAB’s Marconi Awards – for “Large Market Personality of the Year”.

It’s not Triv’s first go-round at that nomination. In the time we’ve been doing the Mighty Blog of Fun(tm), he’s been nominated for the same award twice before.

He hasn’t won yet, and competed with (and lost to) someone else at Oak Tree in 2007 – country WGAR/99.5 afternoon drive mainstay Chuck Collier won it that year.

Another nominee in that same category works for the same employer as Triv.

Clear Channel talk WLW/700 Cincinnati star Bill Cunningham is also up for “Large Market Personality of the Year”.

“Willie”, of course, also hosts Premiere’s nationally syndicated “Live on Sunday Night”, which is heard on Triv’s home station, WTAM, along with sister talkers WHLO/640 Akron, WKBN/570 Youngstown and other stations in Ohio…but he’s up for his role hosting his long-running midday local flagship show on WLW.

Hmmm. Triv vs. Willie. We’d almost pay to hear that one.

Elsewhere, in Tri-State Media Watch territory, two other Ohio stations are represented in the nominations – Clear Channel rock WTUE/104.7 Dayton afternoon driver John “B-Man” Beaulieu is up for “Medium Market Personality of the Year”, and Bonneville country giant WUBE/105.1 “B-105.1” Cincinnati is vying for “Country Station of the Year”…

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