
Just Like Starting Over

…no, not the John Lennon song of the same name, but here’s another item about the cable TV feature “Start Over”.

Time Warner Cable, as of today, has added the digital cable feature to the feed of its first local participating broadcaster, Gannett NBC affiliate WKYC/3.

“Start Over” allows viewers to return to the start of a program, even if they tune to the channel in the middle of the show. Digital cable service is, of course, required, and you have to show up and “Start Over” before the show ends. The service is free for digital subscribers.

TWC doesn’t have yet a list of shows that are available to restart under the service, but we’re told “nearly all” of WKYC’s local programming, particularly “Channel 3 News”, will be covered…


  1. Of course it would help if anyone actually WATCHED WKYC! 😉

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