
The H Word Again

Regulars around here know that that “H Word” stands for “Hiatus”, and we’re overdue for one.

There’s nothing sinister or troubling about our absence, and we’ll be back at some point fairly soon.

We may or may not pass along items on our Twitter feed.

See you when we return!

–The Management


  1. dmking12370 says

    Just don’t make it as long as your last “hiatus.” That one was a killer.

  2. wwva 1170AM near Wheeling WV lost its 3 tower array due to a major wind storm Aug. 4 programming will be moved at 6am Aug 5 on sister station WBBD

  3. Not sure if you’re aware but last night all 3 WWVA 1170 towers collapsed during very high winds. The Wheeling station is temporarily putting programming on another station in the area at 1400.

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