
The Best Calendar Ever

Our apologies to long-time personal friend and professional colleague Scott Fybush (“NorthEast Radio Watch”,, The Radio Journal) for not putting this up in time for Christmas, but there’s still another week to get it before the New Year.

It, of course, is Scott’s world-famous Tower Site Calendar.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Tower Site Calendar, it’s really the only calendar a radio/TV enthusiast or engineering type will ever need.

We’ll let Scott describe it himself, from the most recent edition of “NorthEast Radio Watch”:

Tower Site Calendar 2011 is now available, featuring more than a dozen great images of radio and TV broadcast facilities all over the country (and even beyond – this year’s edition takes us to Mexico!)

Thrill to a night shot of KFI’s new tower! Check out the WAEB Allentown array just after it lost a tower – or enjoy the history at venerable sites like those of KID in Idaho Falls, WCAP in Lowell, KTKT in Tucson and Rochester’s Pinnacle Hill.

But wait – there’s more! We now have a small supply of the new FM Atlas, 21st edition, as well as a limited supply of Tower Site Calendar 2010 as well – plus a very limited quantity (just one left!) of the signed, limited-edition version of the 2011 calendar and much more in the store!

Follow that link right there, and you’ll be able to start 2011 with the best in tower site photography on your wall…we have one, of course, on the wall at the OMW World Headquarters.

Your Primary Editorial Voice(tm) has a history with the Calendar as an observer…we’ve been on the other side of the lens with Scott at many of the sites. In some recent years, we’ve been there for as many as half the pictures.

We struck out this year, due to a drastically reduced travel schedule in 2010, but proudly display the 2011 edition full of photos that are mostly new to us.

We don’t feel too bad about missing the Christmas delivery deadline with this note…we suspect a large chunk of OMW readers are regular readers of NERW, and are well aware of the wonders of the Calendar.

But we gladly, and without asking, give it a hearty plug each year.

And to you and yours, a very Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and sincere wishes for a very happy holiday season…

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