
Items Left Behind

IF YOU MISSED…our big Friday night update, keep reading after this item!


Every so often, we’ll get tips on items…look at them, read them, respond to them, and have every intention of posting them.

And then, we don’t. The E-mail gets archived, the information gets lost in the shuffle and doesn’t get posted. Or in this case, a spate of other “breaking news” overwhelms what we had intended to post. Or, “real life” outside the Mighty Blog of Fun(tm) takes over.

We’ve fired the person responsible for tracking incoming items (heh!), and here are a couple we did not post solely due to oversight…

BIG COLUMBUS EXIT: Alan Goodman has headed up the Columbus Radio Group – the local name for Saga Broadcasting’s Columbus cluster – for years.

No longer.

The long-time president and general manager of the Saga Columbus group has stepped down from his post, suddenly, after 12 years with the company.

Here’s the wording from a memo to staffers:

As you know by now, Alan Goodman has decided that it is time to focus his career in a different direction and to resign his position as President/General Manager for the Columbus Radio Group.

All of us at Saga are saddened by Alan’s announcement and his absence from the company will be felt by all.

Alan has been talking about this with us for awhile now, and we wish him well and much continued success.

Alan has accomplished a lot in his twelve years with us. His broadcast professionalism, enthusiasm, strategic thinking, and integrity have set a great example, and we will have big shoes to fill.

In the next few days we will work on developing a plan for a smooth transition. We appreciate Alan’s commitment to Saga and he will be sorely missed.

OMW hears that there’s no word yet who will replace Goodman in Columbus, or where he is headed…

STAR FRAME: We applaud the efforts of long-time local media type Paul Rado, who is responsible for the TV bowling show “The Star Frame Bowling Challenge” – which airs weekends on both Raycom Media MyNetwork TV affiliate WUAB/43 “My 43” and CBS affiliate WOIO/19 “CBS 19”.

OMW hears that “Star Frame” is doing pretty well in the ratings in its Saturday afternoon time slot on WUAB, and its Saturday late night time slot on WOIO.

We hope that Rado, former afternoon drive producer/co-host at Clear Channel talk WTAM/1100, is able to translate that success into sales. “Star Frame” is one of those shows that’s a perfect fit for Cleveland and Northeast Ohio audiences.

Anyway, this gives us the opportunity to show a recent YouTube clip from the show that could go viral, if seeded properly.

OK, so not Ted Williams-12-Million-Hits Viral, and we don’t expect to see Rado, Chuck Galeti or Marty Allen on NBC’s “Today Show”, but here goes…



  1. Does that mean someone is out of a job at 570 WKBN’s Newsroom?

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