
Weekend Quick Items

Two quick items, the first written by our own Secondary Editorial Voice, the second, your Primary…

MICHAEL STANLEY ON LEAVE: This is probably the very last thing CBS classic rock WNCX/98.5 wanted to deal with right now.

In the wake of canceling (and Soviet-style purging) “The Maxwell Show” earlier in the morning, PD/midday host Bill Louis posted on WNCX’s website a bombshell regarding longtime afternoon drive icon Michael Stanley.

You might have noticed something is up in the afternoons. Michael Stanley will be taking an extended leave of absence to deal with personal matters. We respect his privacy and wish him well.

We’ll still be bringing you the best Classic Rock every afternoon for your drive home.

Evening personality Paula Balish filled in for Michael on Friday afternoon, and disclosed the website posting during the 4pm hour. No word on if she, or whomever, will assume the afternoon slot in his place. (Especially considering whomever will take the slot vacated by Maxwell’s departure is another big question mark.)

(UPDATE from your Primary Editorial Voice[tm]: OMW hears that Michael is not ill, and is attending to a personal family concern. As far as we know, he will return to the WNCX when the personal leave is over. We felt the need to clarify this, because some were concerned about his own health. It is a serious situation, but not a reoccurence of previous health problems for the WNCX afternoon driver…)

BRUCE’S PASSING: Veteran Cleveland broadcaster Bruce Ryan had a lot of friends – both in area radio studios, and at the Ohio Center for Broadcasting in Independence, where he shaped a lot of future broadcast careers.

Bruce Ryan passed away this past week, we hear Friday afternoon at his home. He had been at a local hospice.

Since we learned of the news, our inbox has been peppered with notes from many who have worked with him, knew him, or were instructed by him at OCB.

He apparently touched a lot of lives in this broadcasting market.

Though he’s most known in recent years for being director of the local broadcasting school, Bruce Ryan had an on-air run at stations like the former WGAR/1220 (now Salem Christian talker WHKW) and WLTF/106.5 “Lite Rock 106.5” (now Clear Channel variety hits WHLK “The Lake”).

We have word of Bruce’s memorial services, as well.

They will be Saturday, September 3rd at 10 AM at the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, 8235 Memphis Ave. in the Cleveland suburb of Brooklyn.

An early Sunday morning hat tip to OMW reader Ed Esposito for that information…

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