
Romona Leaving WKYC

UPDATE: We just wanted to link Plain Dealer writer Mark Dawidziak’s very extensive article to this item. We’ll have more speculation and rumblings in a later post.

As Mark notes, rumors of Romona Robinson leaving WKYC have actually been around for a few months, coinciding roughly with six months of contract talks that failed to produce a new deal…but the actual “final day” has been in the rumor mill for about a month now.

He also gets WKYC GM Brooke Spectorsky to confirm that there have been auditions to fill the soon-to-be-vacant position…


This has been in the local TV news rumor mill for about a month, and we now hear it’s official.

Gannett NBC affiliate WKYC/3 evening anchor Romona Robinson is leaving “Channel 3 News”, effective Friday, December 16th.

And yes, this is what we hinted about in our earlier item about another evening anchor’s departure, that of Local TV LLC Fox affiliate WJW/8 mainstay Stacey Bell.

More later…


  1. maybe she going to go and be her husband just as Stacy bell did.

  2. Ramona Robinson was the only reason I watched channel 3 news…she is the consumate professional. I don’t think there is anyone that could take her place. The news won’t be the same without her. Diane

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