
We’re Coming Back

We don’t know exactly when, or in what form, but Ohio Media Watch will resume regular updating soon.

We may return with a brief digest of media news without additional comment, but it’s our goal to return to “full strength” as soon as possible.

The problems which forced our unplanned hiatus are not completely solved, and frankly, we’ve downplayed a lot of what is going on.

But overall, we miss doing this thing.

For the “don’t let the door hit you” crowd (and yes, see the comments of the previous item for that one), we’ve provided alternatives for you…which you’re more than welcome to explore. We’re pretty sure there is no legal, financial or other requirement for you to visit OMW…which, in whatever form it takes, we intend to keep as a free service…


  1. (:

  2. Great, OMW. Hope all is OK with you…..I’ve missed your posts. All the best.

  3. I really enjoy knowing the stories behind the changes I see and hear and really appreciate and have missed the insights that I find in your posts. I will be glad to have Ohio Media Watch back.

  4. Greg Priddy says

    Welcome back. I for one, missed your updates.

    • We accidentally deleted a few comments. Yekimi, the comment I mention here wasn’t yours…it was actually on a previous item.

      Hopefully, we’ll be posting something on Monday. It’ll catch up with some items we missed, just to get them “on the record” blog-wise, but there will be new items in there as well…

  5. COOL! Please find out why Triv sent Gohamnn packing….

  6. Gohmann

  7. OK, my hurt feelings have been assuaged. 😛

  8. Looking forward to your return and to find out what happened to Bennie Da Bookie.

  9. YAY!!!!!!! Hurry back!!! And thank you…..

  10. Welcome back. I’ve missed your updates. Can’t wait for them to start up again.

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