
A Different Kind Of Hiatus

Yes, we’re going on hiatus again. (Don’t tell us you didn’t expect it!)

But this is an experiment.

We’ve often considered if this blog will remain in its current form, or if a blog is really a necessary online publishing form in 2013.

For the immediate future, we’ll not be publishing here.

Instead, the domain will be set to forward to our Twitter account, and visitors here will get a link to that page at the top of this scroll. We will continue to update as frequently as we do now.

No, you won’t have to sign up for Twitter or Facebook. You’ll just be directed to our page, where our updates will appear just as they would if you were on Twitter. It’ll be a web page, with no Twitter login required.

We’ll see how it goes, and the blog (in this form) may nor may not return. We’ll see if social media fills the role instead.

For the record…we feel fine, we have no major Life Interventions(tm) offline, and we’re not having a nervous breakdown (closed circuit to the Galleria)…

Here we go:

–Your Primary Editorial Voice(tm)




    Sorry, but your twitter page is full of things that are only one side of a conversation… and so, SO much less clear in 140 letters or less.

  2. The new so called “social” media sucks! Keep the e-mail system in place.
    If you must send your updates on BOTH formats!

  3. If it is the same as clicking on Ohio Media Watch, why was I asked to register with a password and all. I read the present blog because I don’t want to register with Twitter, et al.

  4. Will the RSS reader pick up the Twitter posts as well?

  5. Norm de Plume says

    I’m sorry but I don’t understand all of the cryptic messages posted on twitter with all the @@@@@@@@@@’s and the messages are without context. A VERY POOR VERSION OF A BLOG IN MY OPINION. I am very disappointed.

  6. Am getting weary of reading about and experiencing the on again, off again struggle to maintain a web site. The information provided is interesting and hard to find elsewhere. Maybe, others might be willing to help keep it going. Thanks for your past time and energy with this project.

  7. Cue “full refund” comment from the operator.

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