
Bo Knows Cincy

Or at least a long-time Cleveland radio programmer will get to know Ohio’s Queen City at any rate.

Clear Channel Cleveland program director Bo Matthews, who has had rock/talk WMMS/100.7 and top 40 WAKS/96.5 “Kiss FM” on his plate, is heading for the company’s cluster in Cincinnati.

Along the Ohio River, Matthews will take programming oversight of the entire Clear Channel cluster in Cincinnati.

Tom Taylor, in his excellent “Tom Taylor Now” daily E-mail report today, notes that Matthews will have direct hands-on programming duties at iconic rocker WEBN/102.7, the rock “brother” station to his primary station in Cleveland, WMMS.

In addition to programming WMMS, “Kiss FM” and little brother alt-rock station “99X” (WMMS-HD2 digitally, 250 watt W256BT/99.1 in analog), Matthews has also served as director of social media for the cluster at Oak Tree…

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