
Rover’s Legal Case Over

Clear Channel rock/talk WMMS/100.7 morning chien Shane “Rover” French has avoided a trial.

Just over a week before he would have been tried on a host of charges linked to setting off fireworks on the night of July 4th last year at Whiskey Island, French pleaded guilty in a deal that will avoid felony charges and jail time.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer has the case details involving the ringmaster of “Rover’s Morning Glory” and sidekick Michael “Chocolate Charlie” Toomey, with both men pleading guilty to four misdemeanor charges:

On Monday, French and Toomey each pleaded guilty to inducing panic, disorderly conduct, illegal use of fireworks and criminal damaging.

(Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Brian) Corrigan fined them $750 each, gave them a year of probation and suspended a six-month jail sentence. He also ordered them to pay $3,414 in restitution to a family affected in the case.

Felony charges, including a charge against French for assaulting off-duty Cleveland police officer Steven Kinas, were dropped.

Not only does the resolution involve no further jail time for French and Toomey, it also avoids an in-court showdown with Kinas.

Oh, and the prospect of seeing SiriusXM star Howard Stern on the witness stand.

French told media outlets that he feels “vindicated” that the assault charges involving his confrontation with Kinas were dismissed.

He repeated that it was all about the fireworks:

“œI apologize for lighting off fireworks,” French told Corrigan before sentencing. He also apologized for causing anyone pain.

“œI feel for anyone who has felt grief because of this,” he said afterward.

For those looking for video, you can find it here (WKYC/3) and here (WOIO/19)…

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