Yes, we're going on hiatus again. (Don't tell us you didn't expect it!) But this is an experiment. We've often considered if this blog will remain in its current form, or if a blog is really a necessary online publishing form in 2013. For the immediate future, we'll not be publishing here. Instead, the domain will be set to forward to our Twitter account, and visitors here will get a link to that page at the top of this scroll. We will continue to update as frequently as … [Read more...]

Bleeping Bleep, You’re Fired
An administrative note, first: Ohio Media Watch is on "deep hiatus". Things Offline(tm) have conspired to reduce our available free time to almost zero. We'll try to continue getting the Big News up here as soon as possible...items like the last few ones, for example. Any other items will be posted as soon as possible to our growing social media presence. You don't need to be signed up at Facebook or Twitter to read our items... just click here or read the feed at the right of this page. If … [Read more...]

You Need This Calendar
You ask, "why do I need a calendar in 2013 at all, when there's one right on my smartphone?" Does your smartphone, even your tablet, include in its calendar full color, full size glossy pictures of some of the most interesting radio and television tower and transmitter sites, and broadcast facilities in North America and beyond? Does it note famous dates in broadcast history, anniversaries and other dates of interest? And you just try putting a nail through your smartphone or tablet's screen … [Read more...]

Our Big Catchup Post
Yes, we've been gone a while. ("Life Intervenes", you know.) As things settle down a little, we can come up for air and shovel out a lot of items. We'll revisit some items both here and on our social media accounts, and put in some new items as well. A'll definitely need to bring a lunch for this one... NFL NETWORK, TWC MAKE FRIENDS: Northeast Ohio's Time Warner Cable subscribers didn't have to wait until Thursday to get the long-awaited NFL Network. TWC's Travis Reynolds … [Read more...]

Not Really A Hiatus
It's just that we've had a lot of Real Life Intervening(tm), and have had precious little time to update. We are readying a new update which we HOPE to have up in the next two days. No, not right now. We're tapping this out on our smartphone, and have an appointment in 10 minutes. So, we've gotta go... … [Read more...]

We’re Coming Back
We don't know exactly when, or in what form, but Ohio Media Watch will resume regular updating soon. We may return with a brief digest of media news without additional comment, but it's our goal to return to "full strength" as soon as possible. The problems which forced our unplanned hiatus are not completely solved, and frankly, we've downplayed a lot of what is going on. But overall, we miss doing this thing. For the "don't let the door hit you" crowd (and yes, see the comments of the … [Read more...]

In Our Absence
During our extended, it-may-or-may-not-end hiatus, we're thrilled to point you towards another source of media information.Long-time blogging colleague Frank Macek, keeper of Gannett NBC affiliate WKYC/3's "Director's Cut" blog in his role as senior director at "Channel 3 News", has launched a personal Facebook page called "Macek Media World".Frank tells us he wants the page to be known as "a site for general information and a collection of goodies", and he won't be dealing with rumors or … [Read more...]

Indefinite Hiatus
You may have guessed already, judging by the fact there's been no sign of updating this blog for over a month, that we're indeed on an indefinite hiatus. "Life Intervenes" is the phrase we often use to explain such extended absences, and this time around, well, it intervened and then some, and it's not done yet. While we are in such extended absences, we often ponder the future of this blog, which we've been doing now for 6 1/2 years. We'll talk about that pondering at some point in the … [Read more...]

Blog Housekeeping
UPDATE: Our review has found that the original information behind the entry is not as solid as we thought it was, so we've pulled the item for good. At this point, we consider it to be inaccurate. Our apologies to readers, and to any radio trade sites which may have picked up the item originally. A note: Our earlier item about Clear Channel classic hits WMJI/105.7 morning host John Lanigan's contract has been pulled "off stage" pending internal review. … [Read more...]

Support NERW
Since OMW started some 6 years ago, we've often been compared to NorthEast Radio Watch, the weekly report put out by broadcasting veteran Scott Fybush from his home base in Rochester NY. Regular OMW readers know that we consider that a huge compliment. Scott has been doing "NERW" for somewhat longer than we have been doing OMW. His site is the archetype of this kind of site, and as an added bonus, Scott and Your Primary Editorial Voice(tm) have been personal and professional friends for going … [Read more...]