
You’ll Need A Scorecard

You'll definitely need a scorecard to keep track of weekend talk radio in Ohio and four steps... STEP ONE: We'll start off at the Clear Channel complex in the Kenwood area of Cincinnati, where sister talk WTAM/1100 Cleveland weekender and former WKDD/98.1-WHLO/640 Akron voice Matt Patrick, as scheduled, did a 12 noon-3 PM Saturday shift on the original "Big One"...WLW/700. As we pointed out before, WLW is filling that time slot - formerly occupied by now-former WLW host Mike … [Read more...]


Clearing Out

The rain is clearing out, according to the weather forecasters...and so are we. The inbox, that is...and we have some updates on old items... RUMORS DYING: We passed along rumblings in Tom Taylor's always excellent "Taylor on Radio-Info" column that involved the Cleveland market. The original rumors noted sale talks that could involve the cluster of four CBS Radio stations in Cleveland - alt-rock WKRK/92.3, classic rock WNCX/98.5, AC WDOK/102.1 and hot AC WQAL/104.1. Tom initially noted … [Read more...]


Thoughts For A Friend Of OMW

He's not only been a regular reader of the Mighty Blog over the years, but he's also been very helpful to us on a number of occasions. He is "Uncle Bill" Weisinger, known for his role not only as the volunteer program director of the "Sunday Oldies Jukebox" daypart programming on WSTB/88.9 Streetsboro, but also for his engineering work for stations like WSTB, Kenston High School's WKHR/91.5 Bainbridge, and Mount Union College's WRMU/91.1 Alliance. He's also the treasurer for SBE local chapter … [Read more...]


Lake Wobegon In Ohio

The fictional Lake Wobegon will be in Northeast Ohio this afternoon, as the iconic American Public Media public radio program "A Prairie Home Companion" broadcasts live from Blossom Music Center in Cuyahoga Falls today. Garrison Keillor and company will be joined by bluegrass musician Ricky Skaggs, says an official release from the show: The cast, crew, and fans of A Prairie Home Companion always look forward to a visit from Ricky Skaggs and his top-flight band, Kentucky Thunder. At just 17 … [Read more...]


Radio And TV Closure

UPDATE 6/15/10 2:48 PM: And it's done...Bill Cunningham is back on the air on WLW, and the station has officially announced that he's signed a new deal: 700WLW Cincinnati – “The Big One” – today announced that legendary, two-time Marconi Award winning personality Bill “Willie” Cunningham has signed a long term agreement to remain on the station – and reaffirmed his commitment to the Queen City and its radio listeners. “We are extremely pleased that Willie will remain part of the 700WLW team … [Read more...]


The Big Turmoil

Happenings at a Cincinnati radio station have taken over talk radio news in the entire Midwest, and Northeast Ohio is even involved... FROM CINCY TO CHICAGO: The story of Clear Channel talk WLW/700's schedule turmoil continues to grow in Cincinnati. There's word from Chicago that two hosts could be out at Tribune talk WGN/720 in the next month, as at least one now-former WLW host is headed in that direction. Now-former WLW "Midday" host Mike McConnell told the Cincinnati Enquirer that … [Read more...]


On And Off

In 2010, most radio stations stay on the air full-time, or hold to the terms of their license (daytime stations only). Some exceptions are below...and there's one more item related to a new "on" coming soon for one local personality... BACK UP WITH PEOPLE: No, not the musical group. We're talking about Streetsboro's WSTB/88.9, the school district station which had to go off the air after a recent fire at the gymnasium of Streetsboro High School - very near to the station's … [Read more...]


Wholly Unrelated Items

UPDATE 6/8/10 8:55 AM:'s Tom Taylor confirms that McConnell is heading to WGN, starting August 9th...thanks to TSMW for the heads up! --- Here are two three items that are entirely unrelated, except they both all have to do with radio... FIRST OF TWO?: This is right in the middle of the Tri-State Media Watch coverage area, but we've always kept an eye on this station, anyway...and it, as we've long said, is much bigger than Cincinnati. And it could have effects up here, … [Read more...]


HD Radio Changes

UPDATE 12:08 PM 6/7/10: WKSU has added HD4 to its primary 89.7 signal, and it is indeed the "News Channel" feed available via online streaming... --- Despite the availability of relatively modestly priced HD Radios - we hear the Insignia portable we've used is now $39 at Best Buy - there probably still aren't a lot of HD Radio listeners in Northeast Ohio. But it isn't like it was in the early days of the technology, where your Primary Editorial Voice(tm) was one of probably about a dozen … [Read more...]


Live From Northeast Ohio

We just wanted to dispel the rumor that we've moved to another state, and are doing this blog remotely, while you thought we were still in Ohio. Heh! We couldn't resist... BATH TOWNSHIP, OHIO...HELLO!: Read that in the voice of CNN's Larry King, as the veteran talk show host dropped in at the Bath Township mansion of Cleveland Cavaliers superstar LeBron James this week - to conduct an interview with the soon-to-be free agent to air on Friday's edition of "Larry King Live" (9 PM Eastern, last … [Read more...]
