
Tuesday’s Here

And a note from your Mighty Blog of Fun(tm): Real life intrudes again, and our updates may not be as regular this week as we'd like. But we'll try to check in...MAD DASH TO BLACKSBURG: As America got really familiar with a college campus in Southwest Virginia really quick, coverage of the largest shooting massacre in American history overtook local airwaves as well.All local TV stations, that we saw, dipped in and out of coverage of the mass murder at Virginia Tech on Monday afternoon, … [Read more...]


Opening Up The Week

Happy Monday to you, such as it is...and our opening volley of the week is a mix of stuff...THAT WHK 85TH ANNIVERSARY SHOW: As first mentioned here months ago, Salem talk WHK/1420 Cleveland is planning an 85th anniversary special.We now know the date - this coming Thursday at 6 PM. And we know the host - former WHK personality Johnny Holliday.From the WHK website page about "The WHK Radio Retrospective":From 1959 to 1964, Johnny Holliday was the biggest name in Cleveland radio.Join Johnny as he … [Read more...]


Welcome To Monday

...such as it is. And as per usual with our early week posts, we're in a mix of updates and ongoing topics...LES ON THE RADIO: When Good Karma sports WKNR/850 started revamping its lineup, bringing in names like Tony Rizzo and Mark "Munch" Bishop, we wondered what would happen when these hosts took time off.With a rather busy sports month or so mostly behind us, it's no surprise that Rizzo - in his "day"/night job as WJW/8's primary sports anchor - would be taking some time off from both TV … [Read more...]


Back Into It

Since there's not much "new" at the moment, we'll go back and touch on updates to ongoing items...1350 SWITCH FALLOUT: As reported and expected, Clear Channel's WARF/1350 Akron dropped the liberal talk format Friday morning for sports as "Sports Radio 1350".It was a pretty uneventful flip. Jones Radio syndicated host Bill Press - whose current show started solely on WARF - threw out quick a "Goodbye, Akron!" just moments before the previously scheduled 8:58:50 spot break.Then, the station … [Read more...]


Another Weekend Update

And no, still without Chevy Chase...MORE WHBC STUFF: Our sources have provided more clarification on the immediate future of NextMedia oldies-to-talk WHBC/1480 Canton, though there are still unanswered questions.We're told that you may or may not hear Brady Russell doing full-fledged talk radio starting Monday in WHBC's afternoon drive slot, occupied until this past week by 20-year station vet Brice Lewis. And we're not sure he actually starts in the time slot as early as Monday.We get the … [Read more...]


Monday Night Mix

A whole buncha stuff tonight, mostly updates:TIME WARNER REDUX: We're glad to provide a source of amusement to the fine folks over at Time Warner Cable. No, really, we are!This time, it was our item/speculation about the presence of "Time Warner One", a new channel showing up on cable position 1 on the Akron/Canton-based TWC cable system.It's showing instructional videos right now, and we wondered aloud if Time Warner would mount a new local programming channel there.OK, so we're wrong...again. … [Read more...]


Saturday Stuff

Three items, including two semi-related, maybe. Or maybe not:MORE LES STILL: At this rate, we're going to have to start charging local sports media personality Les Levine for ad space.But we can't help it if the fast moving developments in local sports radio and TV lately all seem to involve him, for whatever reason.This time, it's Mr. Levine's second straight appearance on the "Saturday Morning Sports Show" on Good Karma sports talker WKNR/850 this morning. But unlike last week, where Les … [Read more...]


Weekend Wrapup, Mid-February Edition

Some random stuff:MASON OUT: It doesn't seem like long ago that we were congratulating long-time WQMX/94.9 operations manager Kevin Mason on his new gig as VP/GM of a record company in Nashville.Unfortunately, it appears the volatile nature of the music business has left the former Akron country programmer without a job.AllAccess reports that Mason's new employer, Rust Records, is folding up its tent along Nashville's Music Row, leaving Mason and everyone else with the company out of work.Of … [Read more...]


More Les And More Rants

These two items also revolve around local sports personality Les Levine and his two local TV shows, oddly enough.MORE LES: It's something we thought might happen in one of our earlier items.Levine announced on his "More Sports and Les Levine" show last night that the Time Warner Cable show will expand to the company's entire Cleveland/Akron/Canton footprint starting with tonight's program.Well, at least to the original Time Warner areas such as Akron/Canton, which were specifically mentioned. We … [Read more...]


Starting The Week With TV Stuff

For whatever reason, all the stuff in our "hold file" has to do with local, let's turn on the Virtual OMW Tube:TWC AKRON/CANTON CHANGES: This one, oddly enough, comes from one of the newest additions to our left-hand side links section...WKYC/3's "Director's Cut" blog, brought to you with care by WKYC News senior producer/director Frank Macek.Frank tells us that WKYC's "Akron/Canton News" returns to Time Warner Cable's cable channel 23, after being bounced around to channel 17 … [Read more...]
