UPDATE 3/31/09 7:25 PM: We have properly attributed the last item in this scroll to long-time Cleveland radio voice Ted Lux. Thanks, Ted! We're proud to call you a Friend of OMW...-------------------It's pretty quiet on the radio/TV front in our home base area of Northeast Ohio, but there are plenty of items from Central Ohio. And...maybe one or two with a Cleveland-area link.As per usual, we'll mark the sub-items with a bold-print headline, so you can quickly scroll past the stuff you don't … [Read more...]

THIS JUST IN: News Sharing Virus Hits Columbus
First Cleveland, now Columbus.The TVNewsday and TVB/Television Broadcast trade websites report that Columbus is now the second Ohio TV market where two different newsrooms will "pool" news footage of events such as press conferences or other planned events.The players in Central Ohio dipping into the News Sharing Pool? Media General NBC affiliate WCMH/4, and Sinclair ABC affiliate WSYX/6-Fox affiliate WTTE/28.Quoting TVNewsday's report:The stations' assignment desks have built a back channel to … [Read more...]

Around The Corner And Around The State
It's yet another mixed bag for midweek...SOMEONE CALL THE MEDIA!: This time, he didn't use any profanity, so we got the note without it falling into the OMW "Spam" folder first.Media-Com talk WNIR/100.1 "The Talk of Akron" morning sports voice/co-host Steve French felt the need to let us know:Your favorite whipping boy, WNIR, is still the runaway #1 in the latest monthly ratings (see Radio and Records).Also, WNIR today announces no layoffs.Some other breaking items into the OMW newsroom: Water … [Read more...]

The Week That Will Be
So, we're back for our usual Monday morning go-around.Like last week, news about the now-mostly-moved digital TV transition will be hard to avoid this week - at least through the first part of this week, at any rate.For now, we'll start on the radio...with a digital TV update to follow later this morning...PAUL HARVEY...GOODBYE: Clear Channel talk WTVN/610 Columbus is the latest station to part ways with the news commentary nominally hosted by veteran broadcaster Paul Harvey.Echoing earlier … [Read more...]

Back To Digital TV
We return to the world of the Up In The Air Digital TV Transition on a key day.The deadline was late last night for local TV stations to file notifications that they intend to shut down their analog signals on the original transition date of February 17, 2009 - which, looking at the calendar, is exactly one week from today.A bill passed by Congress and awaiting President Barack Obama's expected signature (today?) moves the date to June 12.Even if stations had already filed such notifications, … [Read more...]

Digital TV Date Frustration, Part Two
Here's the promised second update in our "When Will Ohio Stations Dump Analog?" series, covering markets outside Cleveland/Akron. This one is also getting too big, so we'll cover the remaining markets in Southern Ohio and Southwest Ohio later.Just as we cautioned Saturday, remember that stations will have to re-file their intentions to hold to the original February 17th digital transition date. The FCC will accept those filings through the end of Monday (just before midnight Tuesday).From what … [Read more...]