Some assorted stuff in our Thursday update...PUBLIC EYE RETURN: When long-time CBS Radio AC WDOK/102.1 morning co-host Robin Benzle found herself not waking up Cleveland with Trapper Jack on the station's popular morning show, she lamented that it'd be difficult to find her way back onto the stations seemed to be interested in female hosts who were - as she put it to Plain Dealer media columnist Julie Washington - "giggle queens".There's no such worry about the Internet, where Benzle … [Read more...]

Tuesday’s Mixed Bag
This time, we promise we're not going to inadvertently insert ourselves into contract negotiations...DAVE AND JIMMY MINUS DAYTON: We don't spend a lot of time watching the Dayton radio market these days, particularly with the attention now paid to Southwest Ohio by Jeremy Moses' Tri-State Media Watch out of Cincinnati.But this one affects Columbus, one of our secondary columnist Tom Taylor picks up word that Clear Channel Dayton top 40 outlet WDKF/94.5 is apparently … [Read more...]

Wrapping Up The Early Switch
We've been on the road, and have spent a lot of time talking about what was supposed to be a nationwide event...the end of full-power analog TV...on Tuesday.We'll continue to pass along news about the still-ongoing transition, but this item will wrap up the detailed coverage of "Transition Day One"...and we'll be spending more time on our usual mix of items from now on. Coming up later, either tonight or tomorrow morning, more rumblings about that news video sharing "pool" announced by … [Read more...]

One Going Early
Back to the now-very-confusing world of digital TV...where one station serving Ohio viewers is going to shut off its analog signal a bit early.Like, tonight.All but a handful of Ohio stations have backed away from what would now be an "early" analog TV shutoff on the original deadline, February 17, 2009. For those with no calendars handy, that day is otherwise known as "tomorrow".As a result, as best as we can determine, the following stations will still adhere to the original deadline, and … [Read more...]

And Finally On The Digital TV Front
It looks like those "alternate showings" are now in the public FCC files for TV stations listed as needing to meet new conditions to sign off analog signals by the original deadline of Tuesday (February 17th).The filings we've seen support our reporting earlier about the Dayton market, where all full-power commercial stations now say they'll pull back from the February 17th analog shutoff date.And a Dayton Daily News story this afternoon by Jim DeBrosse confirms our own suspicions - that even … [Read more...]

Oh, Never Mind
UPDATE 2/13/09 5:15 PM: And there goes WBDT/26...and maybe even WPTD/16.The unraveling of the Dayton Early Digital Transition is nearly complete, as Cincinnati Enquirer TV/radio guru John Kiesewetter writes on his blog about that market to his north:4:25 p.m. update: WBDT-TV (Ch 26), the CW affiliate, also keeping analog on.4:30 p.m. update: As of now Ch 16 will drop analog after Tuesday. This just in from the station: "ThinkTV is consulting with Washington counsel and the FCC. ThinkTV 16 … [Read more...]

Moving Back For Some Stations
This was supposed to be the last week of full-power analog TV in the United States, but of course, that's not happening now.We have a Digital TV Status Update for two Ohio markets affected by the FCC's new rules about February 17th shutoffs...but stay tuned, there may be other items...we're working on one piece of big radio news that, unfortunately, continues our ongoing theme...The FCC's most recent public notice about February 17th analog TV shutoffs did indeed focus a spotlight on markets … [Read more...]

Not So Fast, Dayton
It's official - the DTV Delay Bill is law, after being signed Wednesday afternoon by President Obama.Broadcasting & Cable has more, along with a presidential signing statement:--------"During these challenging economic times, the needs of American consumers are a top priority of my administration. This law, which was crafted in a bipartisan way and passed overwhelmingly in the House and Senate, ensures that our citizens will have more time to prepare for the conversion.""Millions of … [Read more...]

Back To Digital TV
We return to the world of the Up In The Air Digital TV Transition on a key day.The deadline was late last night for local TV stations to file notifications that they intend to shut down their analog signals on the original transition date of February 17, 2009 - which, looking at the calendar, is exactly one week from today.A bill passed by Congress and awaiting President Barack Obama's expected signature (today?) moves the date to June 12.Even if stations had already filed such notifications, … [Read more...]

More Digital TV Date Fallout
We promise...we've got some other items in the hopper, which will show up later today.But the about-to-be-changed national digital TV transition date still dominates the headlines, and we're still tracking fallout from it locally and regionally. The date change bill is expected to be signed by President Obama sometime in the next day or two, then the FCC will be tasked with quickly writing rules to put it into place.Though Local TV-owned WJW/8 "FOX 8" in Cleveland is still the only TV station … [Read more...]