
A Mess Of Cable Changes

Every once in a while, we dip into the legal programming notices section of Time Warner Cable's website, where the company has to disclose some upcoming changes without shouting them from the rooftops.The list currently up for TWC's Northeast Ohio service area is long, complex and detailed.But...what looks innocuous on the legal notice could well develop into a problem not many anticipated.The notice includes what most usually think is "boilerplate" language about the potential loss of carriage … [Read more...]


A Packed Wednesday

This one's full of both radio and TV items, news updates and enough to make us want to charge you for it. Hey, a Primary Editorial Voice(tm)'s gotta eat somehow.But alas, fortunately for you, OMW is free, as always...MORE 92.3 FALLOUT: It's not really a format change, per se...just a deeper playlist and a more shallow staff list. But we're still picking out the details from the changes of the newly revamped CBS Radio alt-rocker WKRK/92.3, now known as "Radio 92.3".As befitting the bare bones … [Read more...]


Maybe Nothing To These – Yet

A couple of rumors, reports and such that may or may not mean anything to Northeast Ohio... yet:CLEAR CHANNEL/CBS SWAP: A note in Monday's "Taylor on Radio-Info" E-Mail newsletter caught our attention.Columnist Tom Taylor reports word that CBS Radio chief Dan Mason spent Monday in Houston, reportedly working out details a rumored swap that would have Clear Channel sending two stations to CBS Radio there.As part of Clear Channel's recent privatization deal, the U.S. Department of Justice … [Read more...]


Out Of The Chute

UPDATE 11/17/08 9:50 PM: Two alert readers with the ability to pick up Youngstown market stations tell us that Clear Channel classic hits WBBG/106.1 Niles "Big 106.1" flipped to holiday tunes late last week. We've confirmed the switch by going to the station's website, and listening online.The station is now positioning for the season as "Youngstown-Warren's Christmas Music Channel"...-----------...for a Monday, with some newsy and some random items. Or maybe the title should be "Down The … [Read more...]


Not Really Angry About It

Budget cuts have done it again in Cincinnati - split radio's "Angry Guys".Cincinnati Enquirer radio/TV guru John Kiesewetter reports that one half of the morning drive duo, Richard Skinner, has been cut loose by Cumulus rock WFTK/96.5 "96 Rock" due to budget concerns. His partner in morning radio anger, Tom Gamble, remains - with someone who doesn't sound like an angry male, sidekick "Sister Karen".Though Kiese reports that Skinner had just agreed to a new deal in October, and was working out … [Read more...]


The Job Loss Storm

We wish we had better news for our return.In our last full item, we talked about the continuing reports of job losses at Ohio media outlets. We had no idea that the following week would be one of the worst such weeks for local media workers...ever.The news is so bad, and so widespread, that we abandoned plans for a single, large update covering everything we've missed in the past week. Instead, we decided to split this bad news into a large update of its own. We'll have other news not related … [Read more...]
