
Tuesday’s Full Basket

It's a pretty random, but important, collection of items in our basket on Tuesday morning...OH, AND BY THE WAY, THE PD: The news of the impending end of another American newspaper had everyone buzzing Monday, including your Mighty Blog of Fun(tm).Oh, by the way, employees of the Northeast Ohio sister paper of the Ann Arbor News took a budget hit Monday as well.Shortly after we took ourselves out of the media news stream to attend to Real Life, the Cleveland Plain Dealer announced its own latest … [Read more...]


Master Of Our Own Domain

Effective immediately, we now have ownership and control over the domain it has in the past, the domain still points to the original OMW URL -'re not sure what will happen in the future, but for now, you can use the address in case there are problems with Blogger. We'll put up status notifications and be able to publish news items in the case of Blogger outages.There are other changes in the works, soon, as we've been hinting. For one, we've … [Read more...]
