What has become a major music festival in the Northeast Ohio region has long had the backing of an area public broadcaster. The 45th Kent State Folk Festival turns the Akron suburb of Kent into Folk Music Headquarters...and given that Kent State NPR outlet WKSU/89.7 dedicates a programming stream to its "Folk Alley" service, it's no surprise that the station is heavily involved. We brought WKSU's OMW Handler Ann VerWiebe - who honestly has a more impressive marketing-related title than that - … [Read more...]

Mid-September Grab Bag
There isn't really a lot connecting all of the below items, but here we are with the grab bag anyway... KIMBERLY GILL LANDS: After being unceremoniously dispatched from the Scripps ABC affiliate WEWS/5 morning show "Good Morning Cleveland" in early July. co-anchor Kimberly Gill has a soft landing to the east. CBS O&O KDKA/2 in Pittsburgh announced that Gill is joining their news staff. From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Ms. Gill will co-anchor at noon and 4 p.m. with Stacy Smith and serve … [Read more...]

THIS JUST IN: Jim Donovan To Return To Browns Radio
We've touched on this before, when we learned that Jim Donovan's Browns Radio partner Doug Dieken told Clear Channel talk WTAM/1100 sports director Mike Snyder that Donovan did intend to return to the Browns Radio booth for the season opener of this year's Browns campaign. (hat tip to OMW Reader Tom Moore for his item on WTAM.com). It's seeming more real, now. Media members have been tweeting that Donovan is indeed at Browns headquarters in Berea this Monday, going through the usual week-long … [Read more...]

THIS JUST IN: Jeff Phelps. No, Really.
This Just In: Brought in by helicopter, to a cheering crowd of thousands left over from the filming of the "Avengers" movie... Wait, we're making that up. But yes, Virginia, there is a Jeff Phelps on CBS Radio sports WKRK/92.3 "The Fan", and yes, he is co-hosting with "92.3 The Fan"'s Andy Baskin on "Cleveland's Talking Heads". No, really. This saga began when Baskin and show producer Lindsey Foltin both announced (via Twitter) Phelps as the show's co-host on the Friday before the station's … [Read more...]

Clearing Out The Inbox
We've spent a lot of time talking about a certain new FM sports station, but that's mostly settled for now. Well, there is one "92.3 The Fan" mention: the "Will or Won't Jeff Phelps Co-Host with Andy Baskin" matter, which has had so many turns that we're about to call it "Cleveland's Talking Heads with Andy Baskin and (a player to be named later)", but... There's a lot more going on, and if we can type it up inside an hour, here goes...an item that is MOSTLY sports radio free from now … [Read more...]

THIS JUST IN: It’s Phelps With Fan’s Baskin
When we put up our right-before-launch item on CBS Radio's new sports station, WKRK/92.3 "92.3 The Fan", we noted that the station's midday show would be hosted by Scripps ABC affilate WEWS/5 "NewsChannel 5" sports director Andy Baskin and Fox Sports Ohio Cavaliers pre/post-game host Jeff Phelps. With confidence, since Baskin and producer Lindsey Foltin had announced the pairing on Twitter on Friday. Monday, the questions came - why is Andy Baskin joined by Reggie Rucker and the Plain Dealer's … [Read more...]

Bruce Ryan’s Obituary
BRUCE E. HOFFMAN, (a.k.a. BRUCE RYAN), 63, of Cleveland, went home to be with the Lord on August 26, 2011, after losing his nine month battle with cancer. He was born July 6, 1948, in Three Rivers, Michigan, to Robert Hoffman and Margaret Welty. Bruce was a long time successful broadcaster heard on WGAR (1979-1981) WZZP-FM/ WLTF-FM (1981-1995), WGAR-FM (1997) and radio and TV commercials. He was the Education Director for the Ohio Center for Broadcasting in Cleveland (1996-2011) and National … [Read more...]

Fan Clear For Launch
UPDATE 8/29/11 12:46 PM: Despite what was announced on Twitter on Friday, Jeff Phelps is not on the air alongside Andy Baskin on the station's midday show, "Cleveland's Talking Heads". The first two hours, former Brown Reggie Rucker took the second chair, and Cleveland Plain Dealer writer Dennis Manoloff will round out the show with Andy. We have no idea what happened between the announcements Friday on the Twitter accounts of Andy Baskin and producer Lindsey Foltin, but we'll keep you up to … [Read more...]