
That Pesky FM Sports Rumor

We've talked about it on Twitter. We've posted about it on message boards. We've vaguely hinted about it here. But with rumors once again floating around about CBS Radio converting one of its Cleveland FM stations to a sports station, is it about to happen? It may be, says columnist Tom Taylor, in this morning's Taylor on Radio-Info column. We haven't heard much, at all, from CBS Radio's operations locally. But Tom tracks down an interesting piece of information related to … [Read more...]


The Lost Item

We were researching something we had just written here, and...couldn't find it. As it turned out, the post below was written early in the morning Thursday. On our computer. All ready to post here, but...we never got (all together now!) "a RoundTuit"...and your Primary Editorial Voice(tm) was the only one who could read it. Until now. Here it is! Take a long breakfast or lunch, it's a long one... ----------- PETE'S BACK, SORT OF: A week after Scripps ABC affiliate WEWS/5 parted ways with … [Read more...]


Changes And Other Stuff

It's a changing world, but even more so in local media... THE CURIOUS CASE OF WINW...ER...WCER: When last we visited the world of Curtis A. Perry III, operator of gospel daytimer WINW/1520 Canton, he was basically drowning in water - radio wise. The station, which he claims to own through a time brokerage-to-purchase agreement (despite license transfer paperwork not being filed with the FCC), has been off the air since earlier this year. The FCC deleted WINW's license, saying the station … [Read more...]


Entering July

And we start the month with a long list of topics, some that have been sitting here a while, and others brand new... MATT'S LANDING: Like, for example, the word of the Houston landing place of Northeast Ohio-born-and-bred talker Matt Patrick. The former Clear Channel Akron market hot AC WKDD/98.1 and talk WHLO/640 host, who holds the 1-4 PM Saturday slot at Clear Channel talk WTAM/1100 Cleveland, is making a big splash at a huge Clear Channel station in Houston. Starting Tuesday, July 5th, … [Read more...]


That WKNR Announcement

As we expected and hinted about on Twitter on Tuesday, Good Karma sports WKNR/850 Cleveland "ESPN 850"'s "major programming announcement" is not about changes to the station's highest profile shows or their hours, or a new signal. The station is launching a new daily official Cleveland Browns show, "Cleveland Browns Daily", weekdays 6-7 PM year-round. The show's host, veteran NFL journalist Vic Carucci, will be a Cleveland Browns team employee. It appears from the announcement that the team … [Read more...]


The Friday Mix

UPDATE 6/26/11 1:30 AM: In sorting through the various awards recently handed out for Kent State University public radio outlet WKSU/89.7-and-its-simulcasters, we missed this individual award from the Ohio Professional Writers, Inc. (OPW), the state affiliate of the National Federation of Press Women (NFPW). And we feel bad about missing it, as it mentions "one of our own", the woman who is the conduit of all information about WKSU, who happens to have a more important title than just the one … [Read more...]


WGAR Reunion Today

UPDATE 6/12/11 7:55 PM: Here's some video of the event, courtesy of Ray Glasser via his YouTube account. [youtube] Though your Primary Editorial Voice(tm) was not able to make it, OMW did turn out to have representation. From our Second: Great to meet so many people there at the event today. Many of whom also expressed Very Kind Words about the blog and for the two of us. Thanks to all of YOU for the kind words. Our apologies … [Read more...]


Opening June

Some changes, some "comings and goings" and a reminder or two... COMINGS AND GOINGS: They're both at Scripps ABC affiliate WEWS/5, with a long-time "NewsChannel 5" name heading out the door, and a new Internet hire coming in. From a memo that floated out of 3001 Euclid, took the RTA HealthLine downtown and then made a few transfers to get to the OMW World Headquarters(tm): Alicia Booth will be leaving Channel 5 after nine and a half years effective June 23rd. Alicia wants to spend more … [Read more...]


Midock Exits WNIR, Health Reasons

Over the past few weeks, we've been asked several times..."why has WNIR's Jim Midock been gone for so long?" We now know why, and rather unfortunately, that absence will be permanent. The Akron market talker's morning show announced on-air early Friday that morning newsman Midock turned in his resignation, citing "health reasons related to his heart". Stan Piatt, Maggie Fuller and Midock's fill-in, afternoon anchor Phil Ferguson, expressed their sadness about losing Jim Midock on the show (we … [Read more...]


Moves And New Stations – Or Not

As media news items, like celebrity deaths, seem to come in threes...we couldn't wait anymore.... 3 GRABS LOTTERY TV: For decades in Cleveland, you could come to depend on some TV staples. Tune to Local TV Fox affiliate WJW/8 weeknights, and you'll see Dick Goddard forecasting the weather (still true, even after 50 years on the air at age 80). Tune in to Scripps ABC affiliate WEWS/5, and you'll get the Ohio Lottery's live results. Scratch that one (so to speak) off your list. After many, … [Read more...]
