Yes, your Mighty Blog of Fun(tm) (and your Primary Editorial Voice[tm]) have made it into 2010.It was close, and touch-and-go for a while, but here we are.This is just a placeholder announcement. Due to circumstances beyond our control, our ability to update this report will vary widely over the next few weeks.We'll try to keep track of the "big stuff" and major changes, as soon as we can.But the updates will be sporadic for some time to come. We'll try to keep a regular presence here.One sad … [Read more...]

Wave About To Stop Waving
UPDATE 12/24/09 10:10 AM: Cleveland Plain Dealer media writer Julie Washington has more on the pending format change, including confirmation that Ric Bennett is the new program director.Both articles also note that the station will indeed be known on-air as "107.3 Boom!". (With the exclamation mark, we presume...)UPDATE 12/23/09 11:57 AM: An alert OMW reader pointed us to this article on the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram's website today, confirming the WNWV format change. The paper is co-owned … [Read more...]

Browns And Scripps
This is our final update for this hectic week - OK, so it's been hectic only for us, but we hope you understand. Sometimes, life is somewhat more important than assuring that a blog on local media news is regularly updated.The good news? Even battling connectivity problems in a temporary situation away from the OMW World Headquarters, we can still manage to update our Twitter account. We've already had some of these updates there, and please keep watching in case we can't get back to the … [Read more...]

Monday Morning…And Then? Who Knows
This is our "one shot" update promised earlier.We aren't ready to announce an official "hiatus" yet, but we could be away from the Mighty Blog of Fun(tm) the next week or so due to very pressing, vital issues. We could also be here, and updating, which is why we're not invoking the "H" word. It depends on how those issues go, frankly.But...if you don't hear from us here by next weekend, please visit our good friend and colleague Scott Fybush's NorthEast Radio Watch. He's tasked with … [Read more...]

SOJ’s 12th
We'll have a more complete semi-update sometime early Monday, then we may be scarce for a while. No, we're not ready to break out the H word, as we still could be around and updating.But a tip of the hat to a local radio organization that could well be called "A Bunch of Friends of OMW".The weekly "Sunday Oldies Jukebox" turns 12 years old on Sunday. The "day format" hit the airwaves on November 30, 1997.The oldies programming takes over Streetsboro City Schools-owned WSTB/88.9 Streetsboro … [Read more...]

Confirmed And Not
As per usual here at your Mighty Blog of Fun(tm), major activity involving local media personalities roughly coincides with our own inability to update this blog - due to absence, illness or work off the blog.Here we go again.MAXWELL, OUT: For those of you who haven't been following our Twitter feed - please look to the left, or visit the feed here directly - a recap...Clear Channel Cleveland rocker WMMS/100.7 has said goodbye to Maxwell, unable to reach contract renewal terms or a contract … [Read more...]

THIS JUST IN: Maxwell Out?
If you believe the chatter this morning on Clear Channel rock WMMS/100.7's "Rover's Morning Glory" this morning, the station's afternoon drive program is out.For now, the WMMS-hosted website for "The Maxwell Show" is still around. Stations generally pull or hide such sites when major changes are in the works.But in a very open conversation with his listeners, WMMS morning drive leader Shane "Rover" French has made it quite clear that "Maxwell" is gone from the station.Why?"We wanted to keep the … [Read more...]

No Wonder Kaiser Bill Is Worried
An OMW reader tells us that Media-Com talk WNIR/100.1, the Kent-licensed Akron market talk station known as "The Talk of Akron", has been running announcements "asking listeners who work or live in the Elyria and North Ridgeville areas to write station management."We're told the announcements refer to "an unnamed out of state company who wants to install a translator station that could disrupt your ability to receive WNIR in those areas."At your Mighty Blog of Fun(tm), we previously reported the … [Read more...]

Early Sleigh Ride
After weeks of promising Christmas music next week via a countdown on its website, CBS Radio Cleveland AC powerhouse WDOK/102.1 couldn't resist opening its presents early.Numerous OMW readers alerted us that "SoftRock 102.1" turned on the holiday music this morning, three days before the end of the online countdown.Sure enough, the station - both on-air and online - is playing the seasonal music, and promoting itself as "Cleveland's Holiday Music Station".And if Salem CCM WFHM/95.5 "The Fish" is … [Read more...]

All Sorts Of Things
With our schedule being off, this is probably the last item for the week, but we do have some things to pass along...RETURN OF AIR ERA?: OMW has reported over the past year or so that various economic factors have grounded local TV news helicopters for the most part in the Cleveland TV market.Only Raycom Media CBS affiliate WOIO/19's "19 Action News" has been regularly flying its helicopter, a fact the station has promoted relentlessly on the air for about the past couple of months. "Action … [Read more...]