We're still consulting the OMW Medical Staff, and getting used to our "new normal", for now. But we didn't have to put a lot of effort into these items, so here we go...BLACKOUT AVERTED: Fans of the NFL's Cleveland Browns are rejoicing...they're partying in the streets...they're...OK, maybe they're not partying or rejoicing.Northeast Ohio's sorry excuse for a "professional football team" will make their only prime-time TV appearance on ESPN's "Monday Night Football" this coming Monday, and … [Read more...]

No, You Can’t Get The Flu From Us
Like a lot of other Northeast Ohioans, your Primary Editorial Voice(tm) is forced to admit that we have SOME sort of illness.We've slept most of the past two days, and have invoked the OMW Medical Staff to help figure this out for us.We know that the usual instructions involve plenty of rest, and plenty of liquids, but don't usually outline plenty of updates to a blog...so, we've been tending to Offline Life(tm) most of the time.As far as we know, we do NOT have the H1N1 or "swine" flu - that … [Read more...]

Friday Closure
Unless another major local Northeast Ohio media personality decides to step down, this will close out the week for your Mighty Blog of Fun(tm).Your Primary Editorial Voice(tm) is groggy, and most of our earlier activity via our Twitter account was before we found both caffeine and our first meal of the day...hopefully, this will be more coherent, after we've met both requirements.And it's not all followup to that big Thursday evening news...SPEAKING OF WHICH: The Other Shoe in the Matt … [Read more...]

UPDATE: Matt Patrick Exiting WKDD
He's been the primary morning drive host at Clear Channel Akron/Canton hot AC WKDD/98.1 (formerly 96.5) for over 30 years, but WKDD mornings will be without Matt Patrick in 2010.The station has announced Patrick's departure from his morning drive perch, with his last show on WKDD in mid-December. He'll announce the exit to listeners tomorrow morning at 7:45 AM.More details, including a release from the station, are forthcoming...and this item will be updated again later this … [Read more...]

Out Of The Box On Tuesday
Yeah, we've hung onto a lot of items, though our Twitter feed has previewed one of them...A SUNNY EXIT, AND ENTRANCE: Word spread quickly on Friday that Saga Columbus OM/PD Tony Florentino's contract was not being renewed, and sure enough, he exited the building shortly thereafter.As it turns out, someone was waiting to take the job at the "Columbus Radio Group" stations, including AC powerhouse WSNY/94.7 "Sunny 95"...Cincinnati radio vet T.J. Holland heads up I-71 to take the Saga Columbus … [Read more...]

Some Clarifications and Updates
Following along with some items that have popped up in the past few days...SABO GONE: We don't know much more, but we can confirm that Good Karma sports WKNR/850 Cleveland "ESPN 850" has parted ways with producer/sidekick/update anchor Josh Sabo. (And no, that's not just because we've heard WKNR's Tony Rizzo say those exact words about three times now.)We're getting very little information as to why, but it appears that it has nothing to do with any on-air comments or on-air performance.As … [Read more...]

Two More Upgrades
Mid-October is apparently the season for local TV and radio signal upgrades, and there are two more we haven't yet told you about.Briefly before that: everyone short of the Cuyahoga County dog catcher has E-mailed us to let us know that producer/sidekick/update anchor Josh Sabo is apparently out at Good Karma sports WKNR/850 Cleveland "ESPN 850", at least according to an announcement made on the station's "Really Big Show with Tony Rizzo" earlier today.We didn't hear the announcement, and as of … [Read more...]

On The Tuesday Radio Side
After an item chock full of digital TV news, it's time to expand our Tuesday diet to radio. And yes, we know. We know...the below.KIM'S RETURN: Yes, you let us know by E-mail, by carrier pigeon, by taking out a billboard (well, almost).That was indeed former Clear Channel talk WTAM/1100 afternoon drive co-host Kim Mihalik on her former home station over the weekend, guest hosting the Clear Channel talk station's local Browns post-game coverage on Sunday afternoon.(WTAM airs its own post-game … [Read more...]

All Sorts of Things
So, it's a dreary, rainy mid-October day...what better day to stay inside and update the Mighty Blog of Fun(tm)?NEW TWC HD: As expected, as earlier announced and as confirmed by OMW, Time Warner Cable's Northeast Ohio system has added 10 new HD channels for its subscribers.The list, courtesy of a TWC press release:Biography HD – 469Cartoon Network HD – 459Disney XD HD – 457Outdoor HD – 481Turner Classic Movies HD – 465Fox Business News HD – 488Style HD – 468Headline News HD – 484E! HD – … [Read more...]

Returning With A Full Basket
As we officially exit from our latest hiatus (is there a ceremony we have to do or something?), news from every corner of our media world is breaking out. And if there's breaking media news, we're here to fix it...RATINGS CURRENCY: We've heard for a few weeks now that Arbitron's Portable People Meters, the electronic future of radio audience measurement, were filtering into the Cleveland market.And we've heard for months that the PPMs will basically "change everything" when it comes to radio … [Read more...]