And since we're Ohio Media Watch and not Billboard Magazine, that means an update on Clear Channel talk WSPD/1370 Toledo afternoon drive host/program director Brian Wilson, not an update on that Beach Boy.The Baltimore Sun's "Critical Mass" blog provides a first-day update on Wilson's debut Wednesday as the mid-afternoon host (12-3 PM) on that city's CBS Radio FM talker, WFHS/105.7.And the update, and an article in the Dead Trees edition of the Sun the day before, confirms our reporting here … [Read more...]
Monday And New Stuff
Some actual news has happened this weekend. Or, sometime in the last week, but we just got a Round Tuit(tm) now...STO INDIANS ROAD GAMES IN HD, CONFIRMED: It's been rumored around the Internet for a while that SportsTime Ohio would "drop the other shoe" as far as HDTV coverage of Cleveland Indians games. But now, we have it confirmed.WKYC/3 senior director Frank Macek gets the scoop in his "Director's Cut" blog from STO itself:Regarding STO - yes, all Indians games (home & away) this … [Read more...]
Happy Thanksgiving
As noted in a previous item, OMW will basically "go dark" for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, though we will post any major news involving the local media if we're able to do so.But here we are, slipping one under the door at deadline...FINAL HO-HO-HO UPDATE, AND A FORMAT ADJUSTMENT: It's Salem CCM WFHM/95.5 "The Fish" in Cleveland as the latest holiday convert, with a planned switch to Christmas least according to their website, at any midnight tonight/Thanksgiving … [Read more...]
Yeah, It’s Monday
While waiting to make an announcement...ESPN 970: As linked here via the Ashtabula Star-Beacon earlier, Media One's WFUN/970 has made the switch from talk to sports.OMW regular reader/tipster Nathan Obral up in Lorain County - apparently getting some good across-Lake Erie reception - tells us that WFUN made the previously announced format change over the weekend, now branding as "ESPN 970 WFUN".The earlier report stated that the format change would move WFUN morning drive host John Broom's show … [Read more...]
Monday Odds And Ends
Not much really stands out about the below items, or for that matter, connects them. Well, aside from the fact that all the items have to do with persons no longer on the air in Cleveland in 2007 - or are about to leave the area.But it's Monday, and we're dragging ourselves back to the grind.A reminder: we're still in "sporadic update" mode due to various personal/off-blog issues. But we'll try to check in at least once every day or two...MORE ON THE ANDERSON MOVE: The Plain Dealer's Julie … [Read more...]
CBS Kills Off Two More Nearby FM Talkers
The FM Talk Watch isn't looking good at this hour, and the carnage is not far from Ohio's borders. In fact, the stations are close enough that both can claim at least some Ohio listeners.This time, it's the death of two CBS Radio-owned FM talk stations, one which had been in the format long before the whole "Free FM" thing (think David Lee "Awful Radio Show" Roth).That's Detroit's WKRK/97.1, which did eventually adopt the "Free FM" name, but continued with a mostly local lineup until recently - … [Read more...]
Monday Big Update
A lot has happened since our Friday night update, for whatever reason. So, let's try to start strong this week...FROM THE BONDS OF CLEAR CHANNEL: Two weeks ago, Tom Embrescia's Sweet Home Ashtabula, LLC took control of the now-former Clear Channel cluster in Ashtabula, a group that once only consisted of talk WFUN/970 and AC WREO/97.1.Since that era, the cluster added now-top 40 WZOO/102.5, classic rock WFXJ/107.5, and the most recent entry, country WYBL/98.3 - which means a total of five … [Read more...]