Yeah, it surprised us, too.Unless something's changed since late last week, it appears the Cleveland Browns currently have no Toledo radio affiliate lined up for the 2007 season.Clear Channel sports WCWA/1230 ran the NFL team's games in 2006, but the Toledo Blade's John Wagner reports that "FOX Sports 1230" is declining to renew for this year. And he says sister rocker WIOT/104.7, which ran the games since the franchise started up again in 1999, is also not expected to carry Browns football.The … [Read more...]

A Nice Monday Mix
...and our apologies for being a bit late, since we were "on the road".We're back, with at least one item we believe to be an exclusive...YET ANOTHER NEW SPORTS REPORTER: If we told you a Cleveland station was hiring a new sports reporter, you'd probably guess it would be ABC affiliate WEWS/5, right?We mean, after all, "NewsChannel 5" has but two sports anchors/reporters on staff, and station veteran Sue Ann Robak is the only one who's working full-time...with Andy Baskin still doing … [Read more...]

Not Quite A Week Ending Post
...unless we take Friday off, at least in the world of your Mighty Blog of Fun(tm). Which, we might...TOWER'S NEW MORNING SHOW: We last paid attention to the morning show at Cumulus top 40 WTWR/98.3 in the Toledo market when "Tower 98-3" sent Toledo market veteran Johny D and his crew packing.We're not even sure what "Tower" ran in mornings since, but we know what they're running now.An item on Wednesday's AllAccess Net News scroll tipped us that WTWR has become the latest affiliate of "Kidd … [Read more...]

Monday, Monday
Some pickups/leftovers/questions to start the week:THERE GOES JOHN: OMW hears that Cleveland ABC affiliate WEWS/5 announced on its 11 PM newscast Sunday night that sports anchor John Chandler's last day would be - Sunday. It's news that isn't news to regular readers of This Space, which reported the "NewsChannel 5" sports anchor's exit on Thursday.(An error on our part resulted in us reporting a last date of April 26th.)We didn't get a chance to see it, but we're told anchors Curtis Jackson and … [Read more...]

Random Tuesday Fodder
NOTE TO KEN AND KITTY FANS: We appreciate your reading this article, which has apparently been linked to their website.However, Ohio Media Watch is not connected to either the show, or to the former radio home of the show. We are an independent online media publication that owns no broadcast facilities.If you wish to reach Ken and Kitty, please hit the BACK button on your browser and contact them directly via their website.Thank you!--The Management-------------We've got some flotsam and … [Read more...]

Tuesday Madness
Stuff we have to get out of our heads...JOHNY D LANDS: Just a couple of months after getting bounced from his morning drive gig at Cumulus Toledo top 40 outlet WTWR/98.3 "Tower 98-3", Johny D has landed.And it's a pretty soft landing, too.Toledo Blade media columnist Ron Musselman reports that Johny D will launch a new two-hour weekday show on CBS Radio FM talker WKRK/97.1 Detroit, a station which carries both the "Live" and "Free FM" banners.We were also not aware that Johny's picked up a … [Read more...]