Murray Hill Broadcasting's WLFM-LP 87.7/TV audio 6 has launched jockless as rocker "87.7 Cleveland's Sound". We're the worst source for music format definitions, so we'll borrow a reader's description of the music mix as AAA with an alt-rock lean. Feel free to correct us in the comments. As expected, "87.7 Cleveland's Sound" is running promos with previously reported morning drive host Archie Berwick promoting his "Archie Morning Show" starting Monday (Archie: "Two things will make this show … [Read more...]

TV Retrans Wars Hit Cleveland – Fox 8 and DirecTV
UPDATE 8/31/12: Both DirecTV and WJW Fox 8 owner Local TV LLC announced an agreement today, with no signal interruption... UPDATE 8/30/12 10:20 AM: Fox 8 has put up a more extensive site on their side of the dispute - Note that there's not one mention of trying to pick up the station's currently anemic over-air signal as an alternative... ------ The ongoing wars over TV retransmission consent are hitting Cleveland. Local TV Fox affiliate WJW/8 has posted a note on its … [Read more...]

Major League Catchup
No, that's not something the Cleveland Indians are about to try, based on their dismal play as of late. It's something we're going to try now, after an unplanned Life Intervenes(tm) hiatus for about two weeks. (Note: We'll have a planned hiatus for personal reasons, right after the Labor Day holiday. Or, maybe we'll be more active...) Anyway, on with the show... OTHER SHOE DROPS: We already told you that now-former Ohio News Network Cleveland bureau reporter Cristin Severance had found a new … [Read more...]

Not Really A Hiatus
It's just that we've had a lot of Real Life Intervening(tm), and have had precious little time to update. We are readying a new update which we HOPE to have up in the next two days. No, not right now. We're tapping this out on our smartphone, and have an appointment in 10 minutes. So, we've gotta go... … [Read more...]

Press Release Theatre, Vol. 5 (Ann’s Corner)
Posted while listening to Murray Hill Broadcasting WLFM-LP 6/87.7's latest testing loop, dozens of oldies/classic hits/classic rock song "hooks". It's time once again for "Ann's Corner", from one of our most prolific sources of press releases - Kent State University public WKSU/89.7-and-its-many-simulcasters marketing/public relations guru and personal and professional Friend of OMW Ann VerWiebe. (Whew!) The event is the annual Folk Festival put on by the WKSU folks...which means our friend … [Read more...]

A Pile Of Items, Released
UPDATE 8/16/12 10:05 AM: If you read this before 10 AM, scroll down for an additional item... -------- As per usual, important items pile up in a clump of anywhere from three to a half-dozen. This update doesn't cover everything in that pile, but we'll get close enough to doing so. And coming 'round the bend sometime in the next few days - "Couch Burner, The Followup". Yes, as reported here and by the Akron Beacon Journal, John Denning has taken over the 10 AM-3 PM time slot on WNIR/100.1 … [Read more...]

Commotion At Broadcast Park, A WNIR Decision?
The first of our items this week concerns the most active place media-wise in the OMW Coverage Area...the installation known as "Broadcast Park", the home of Media-Com talk WNIR/100.1 "The Talk of Akron" on Ohio 59 between Kent and Ravenna. We have to get this up early Monday, because it appears likely a major announcement will take place on the station later this morning. We were prepared to tell you that former WMMS/100.7 "Buzzard Morning Zoo"/"Jeff and Flash" co-host Jeff Kinzbach was … [Read more...]

The Storm Rides Out
On a day seeing Northeast Ohio pelted with thunderstorms (and some lost power or cable TV service), let's take advantage of a calm period to update some items we've been piling up for the past day or more. But nearly all of the below items have previously been announced on our social media presence... THE END OF ONN: Ohio's only regional cable TV news operation will be no more as of August 31st. The Ohio News Network, an arm of the Dispatch operation in Columbus, announced Wednesday afternoon … [Read more...]

Late July Mixed Bag
In which we update some stuff, bring on new items and more... 87.7 BUILDING BLOCKS, BUT WHEN?: We're hearing some details surrounding the launch of Venture Technologies/Murray Hill Broadcasting's WLFM-LP 6/87.7, which will operate as a radio station under the name "87.7 Clevelanders Rock". First, an appearance by station operators Tom Wilson and Tom Embrescia on the soon-to-be-extinguished "Good Company Today" on NBC affiliate WKYC/3 shed at least some light on what shape the soon-to-launch … [Read more...]

87.7 Clevelanders…Audition?
The off-air buzz in the Cleveland radio community is about the curious way new quasi-radio station WLFM-LP "87.7" is going about its upcoming launch. We have heard that the station, operated by Cleveland radio veteran Tom Wilson with help from his old ownership partners, has been working behind the scenes to staff up. In fact, OMW hears that at least one key staffer has already left the operation, before it even has hit the airwaves. But simultaneously, the station now calling itself "87.7 … [Read more...]