
The Future of Mix 106.5?

Clear Channel Hot AC WMVX/106.5 (“Mix 106.5”) Cleveland recently picked its new program director. He’s Don Hallett, the former PD of AC WSNY/94.7 (“Sunny 95”) Columbus. Hallett has been running a consultancy under the name “The Positioning Works”.

OMW welcomes Hallett to the Northeast Ohio radio community, and would like to prepare him for the sea of rumors that always accompany Mix 106.5…

It seems speculation about Mix’s future is a favorite Northeast Ohio radio game, at least among those of us who watch the local market. And sadly, OMW hasn’t been immune. Back when sister Clear Channel news/talker WTAM/1100 was hinting about major changes, some of us wondered if WMVX might even become an FM talk or sports station! (Don’t ask. It’s like asking someone who got drunk the night before why he hung from the light fixtures. And the primary voice behind OMW doesn’t even drink.)

So, with Don Hallett aboard as Mix’s PD, we’ve been getting a lot of questions about what it means for the station’s future.

Our stock answer is this: One would expect that bringing in an AC programming veteran would mean that the station isn’t about to change formats. And we don’t read much into Sunny’s softer AC focus, and don’t expect Mix to start softening up to aim at soft AC WDOK/102.1 any time soon. (Not to mention the fact that it probably would not be a great idea…)

Not that it hasn’t happened before…particularly if the programmer in question has other formats on his or her resume. But without any background or inside information, we’d be surprised if Mix was sporting anything but a Hot AC format at any time in the near future.

Of course, back when CC’s Akron/Canton cluster was hinting at changes, we cautioned against assuming that sports WTOU/1350 would pick up a liberal talk format. Oh, well. At least we were correct that WKDD/98.1 wouldn’t Jack up, and that morning icon Matt Patrick wouldn’t retire!

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