
Mid-Week Odds And Ends

Just a couple of things on our agenda this late Wednesday evening:

* It appears that even if we can’t syndicate a radio show, OMW itself has picked up some, uh, “syndication”. While searching for something else, we found one of our entries reprinted on something called “”, which apparently aggregates various radio news-oriented blogs in its news section. A quick check of the links shows OMW, along with other sites like Dave Hughes’ DCRTV, and our good friends over at Indiana RadioWatch. It appears from the newly-minted front page that the site is run by Radio-Info’s Lance Venta, and that he’s putting in new blogging software. The “news” page did not make clear which blog a news item came from, so for those looking in from the other side, feel free to click on the “Ohio Media Watch” link, and learn more about us! (The feed appears to be automatic, which explains why our TV-based items like rants about “19 Action News” appear there.)

* Speaking of Radio-Info and its Cleveland board, regular Nathan Obral (“nate81”) is taking up a related project very soon. We hear he’ll be revamping the website for Lorain County Community College’s Internet-based station “The Duck”. (Well, it beats “The Salamander”!) Nate’s a smart young guy, and should do a fine job working on the Internet presence of the college’s radio website.

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