
Channel 19’s “Browns Tonight” – Live From Kronheim’s?

If it’s Sunday night, it must be time to have some fun with our friends at Reserve Square, home of “Cleveland’s CBS 19”, “UPN 43” and “19 Action News”.

OMW stayed up late enough tonight to catch the station’s Sunday Browns wrap show, still in progress as of this writing. And we’re definitely expecting a sponsor credit for a local furniture store. Week 3 of “McDonald’s Browns Tonight” comes to you from a new set, with a giant brown leather couch (get it, “brown”?) that threatens to eat Brian Duffy, Bob Golic and Hanford Dixon if they don’t pay close attention to it.

It must have taken delivery people half the day to figure out how to get the thing down into the basement of Reserve Square. Earlier shows had Duffy, Golic and Dixon around a standard TV “on set” table and sitting on higher chairs. Maybe they thought they needed the big couch to handle the size of the two former football players?

We’re not sure we’ll be awake long enough to see which Browns player Sharon Reed seductively asks this week to “join (her) tomorrow” – on the station’s Monday night “BrownsTown” show. No word, also, on if the couch will be used on that show’s set, or if Ms. Reed will invite the player onto it. To sit with her, that is. Oh, and the other hosts.

But we did catch a different face on the regular “19 Action News” show’s sports segment. Who is Dan Brady?

Instead of regular weekend sports anchor David Pingalore, who’s at the Indianapolis game site with sports director Chuck Galeti, Brady did the sports anchoring on the regular pre-“Browns Tonight” news show. We’ve seen him before, but can’t find any information on him. Our Google searches lead us to Cleveland-based state senator Dan Brady, but the lawmaker is somewhat older than the fill-in TV sports anchor.

And we use this space to correct an error from last Sunday’s sports wrap show roundup. It appears Sunday night’s WEWS/5 “Sports Extra” wrap show, or whatever it’s called, is sponsored by Toyota, and not your Chevy Network Dealers. At least this week. We don’t know if they both sponsor WEWS’ sports programs, or if they’ve switched cars (hope they got an employee discount!), or whatever…

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