
Casey Coleman Update – Thursday 10/13/05

WTAM/1100 has now devoted a prominent space on their main web page to informing listeners about the health of Casey Coleman. The veteran Cleveland radio and TV sportscaster and co-host of WTAM’s “Wills and Coleman” morning drive show has been in Cleveland Clinic since last week, where he had surgery on Friday related to pancreatic cancer.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like he’ll be back home as soon as expected. The latest WTAM update says Casey “had a little setback” today (Thursday), and is running a fever, and is “not feeling well”. It had been hoped that he’d be able to check out of the hospital, and continue his recuperation from home, as soon as Friday or Saturday. From the update, it doesn’t sound like that’ll happen, at least on Friday at any rate.

OMW doesn’t like to bring up topics as controversial as religion, except when it comes to broadcast formats. But however you pray, or communicate with whatever you consider to be a higher force, we’d like to ask you to put in a thought for Casey Coleman. Even if it’s just a “thought to yourself”. This illness has likely thrown not only his own family for a loop, but also his broadcast family on Oak Tree Boulevard.

We have no idea how long it’ll take Casey to finally recover fully from this setback, and we have no idea at all when his health could even remotely be good enough to permit a return to the WTAM microphones, but we’re praying it’s soon. We are very, very concerned about a member of Northeast Ohio’s broadcast community, who’s going through a very rough time now. Think good, positive thoughts.

And if you wish to send some of those positive thoughts, feel free to drop an E-Mail to this address – [email protected] – as WTAM will make sure Casey gets the message.

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