
Cavaliers To Air 9 High Definition Games

You read it here first a month ago, and now, it’s official…the NBA’s Cleveland Cavaliers will air 9 remaining regular season games in high definition on local cable providers.

The first game will air Monday, February 13th (Cavaliers vs. San Antonio). Most local cable providers are on board, including Time Warner Cable, Comcast, Cox and WOW, an alternative provider in Cleveland…and wouldn’t you know, Adelphia is absent from the list! (Our regular readers know that the palatial OMW World Headquarters building is in Adelphia’s Summit County cable territory.)

A complete list of cable systems and channels is on the press release we’ve helpfully linked above. It appears that aside from smaller suppliers like Massillon Cable/Clear Picture of Wooster, Adelphia is the only missing system. Wouldn’t it figure, eh?

The Cavaliers provide us with some hope, though. Quoting the release: “FSN Ohio is currently working with all of our cable and satellite partners with the hope of broadening the reach of Cavaliers games in HDTV to additional homes throughout the Ohio region.” This would also lead us to believe that they’re hoping to sign up DirecTV and Dish Network.

Unlike the Indians’ new TV deal, this season’s list of Cavaliers HD games is likely to end before Time Warner takes control of Adelphia’s Cleveland area system.

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